
TOEIC900の桃太郎 〜The Legend of Momotaro〜




Chapter 1: The Wondrous Arrival

Once upon a time, in a scenic village nestled among rolling hills and picturesque landscapes, there lived an elderly couple who had no children of their own. The grandfather, a lumber contractor known for his durable craftsmanship, had long since retired from his trade and now spent his days overseeing the continuous growth and health of the verdant mountain forests, often employing sustainable fertilizers to enrich the soil. Adjacent to their quaint home was a tiny, yet informative pharmacy run by a proprietor with a penchant for botanical remedies, which were integral to the villagers' dietary and medicinal needs.

The grandmother, whose expertise in the culinary arts was matched only by her proficiency with homemade detergents, stood by the river laundering clothes. Her process simplified laundering, making it gentle on even the most perishable fabrics.

One bright and sunny day, alongside the regular cycle of seasons, as the grandmother scrubbed and rinsed, an anonymous raft, rough in design, arrived from upriver. This raft, a centerpiece in its own right, bore a single, breathtaking peach, large enough to commence a village festivity.

"This superb peach stands as a concise symbol of nature's gifts," she exclaimed. Deeming it mandatory to share such a bounty, she fetched the peach and considered an introductory tutorial to prepare it for her husband. The peach, a nutritious cornerstone of their modest diet, would soon initiate a noteworthy chapter in their lives.

The grandfather, having embraced the aspiring perspectives of retirement, read an excerpt from his favorite volume, teaching himself plumbing repairs. He hoped to simplify the systems of their home, believing that knowledge was a continuous, vital pursuit, and that it was never too late to be an apprentice or a novice at a new craft.

As he carefully replaced a leaky faucet with stringent attention to detail, the grandmother appeared, eager to unveil the definitive and sizable fruit of their labor. Faces lit up with joy, they made an incision into the peach’s resistant skin. To their astonishment, the halves yielded not solely the expected juicy flesh but also a spirited young boy, which was an unambiguous and explicit turning point in their lives.

They named the boy Momotaro, after his unique arrival—an overview of his origin was to become the stuff of legends. The elderly couple, custodians of a simple joy, opened the lengthy and informative chapters of nurturing a legacy that fostered Momotaro into a hero of unprecedented vigor.

Momotaro's dietary needs were met with the utmost attention, ensuring that each meal was made from the most vital and nutritious ingredients, directly supporting his organic growth. Additionally, the couple cultivated their botanical knowledge to provide him with a diverse and nutritious array of edible delights.

The village painter, renowned for his expansive mural across the municipal hall, was enlisted to tutor Momotaro in the arts, fostering an appreciation for beauty and detail in the young boy. Moreover, the purveyor of tales and wisdom, with a yen for history, took it upon himself to provide an overview of bravado and compassionate deeds from not only their village but from distant lands as well, ensuring that the seeds of heroism would flourish within Momotaro.

Their humble home, now adjacent to the murmurs of a newfound family, initiated a symphony of laughter, fostering an atmosphere where love and joy were no longer novelties. The grandmother’s hands, once solely dedicated to laundry, were now also employed in the training of the boy in culinary arts, imparting recipes passed down over generations. The grandfather, inaugurating his tenure as an inspiring plumber, found use for his lengthy expertise to mentor Momotaro in the respectful harnessing of nature’s resources.

Chapter 2: The Oath of the Peach-Born Hero

Momotaro, now an agile, sturdy young man with an avid enthusiasm for justice, had his virtue of courage meticulously nurtured over the years. The village had become not just a picturesque backdrop to his life, but the crucible from which his heroic resolve was forged. His ingestion of hearty meals and the ongoing tutelage beneath his grandparents' protective canopy had both accelerated his growth and shaped his forthcoming destiny.

The elderly couple had provided Momotaro with a durable sense of duty, and the ratio of his life experience was overwhelmingly steeped in benevolence. Yet, amidst the daily pursuit of tending the lush forest that blanketed their home—a forest under the voluntary stewardship of the husband—a troubling excerpt of village plight reached Momotaro's ears in the municipal hall.

Distressed travelers spoke of ogres with malevolent intent, igniting scarcity and fear among adjacent neighborhoods. These formidable creatures evidently presented a dire jeopardy to the ongoing peace, and as the villagers' fearful murmurs recurred, a deliberation took shape within Momotaro's heart.

Foremost in his mind was an imperative call to action. “Grandfather, Grandmother," he espoused with an unwavering voice, "it is my prospective oath to surpass these adversities and to foster serenity again for our kinfolk." He sought neither a bid for glory nor a quota of recompense; his resolve was purely altruistic.

Their embrace was thoughtful and tender as Momotaro devised a plan for the jeopardy lying ahead. The grandmother, ever considerate, prepared a culinary upgrade to their cuisine—a substantial batch of authentic kibi dango, infused with botanical extracts nominated by the pharmacy proprietor for their sustainable benefits.

Momotaro, thoughtful of the impending journey's duration, adopted the appropriate attire—a prototype for vibrant, resistant wear, itemized meticulously by the village tailor. This gear would prove practical for his numerous outings and fluctuating terrains.

On the inaugural day of his quest, the community assembled, offering quotes of encouragement and tentative smiles filled with hope. Each individual's incentive was to waive Goodbye to the boy-turned-hero. For this voluntary undertaking, the mural painter furnished Momotaro with a compact effigy of a peach, adding beauty to his already optimal and formidable array of quests.

The wisdom purveyor, an advocate for rigorous tactics, informed Momotaro of the specification of the ogre-infested isle—knowledge crucial to navigating the imperiled landscape. His tuition had ensured an overview of flora and terrain, devising for Momotaro a feasible and viable plan of approach.

With Momotaro's departure, the beloved couple recommitted themselves to the sustainability of their village—inaugurating new culinary recipes, repaving beaten paths to resist the elemental wear, and rigorously instilling their knowledge in the younger, prospective generations.

As Momotaro’s silhouette, dappled in twilight, became a distant cameo, the couple's dilute sense of loneliness was conversely filled with pride. Their quota of love, imparted upon him during his upbringing, had been considered ample. Yet now, as he ventured forward, Momotaro would embrace the ratio of courage and wisdom, and surpass any tentative expectation they had ever held.

The formidable cuisines they provided, persisting in their cuisine bag, were not the only testament to the grandmother's fathomless love. As the hero-to-be navigated the fluctuating terrains and landscapes before him, he remained dutiful of his voluntary charge. The peach-born hero, armed with his adopted philosophy and enduring spirit, accelerated toward a fate that would not only recur in songs and stories but stagnate in the annals of time as an exemplar of courage and compassion.

Such were the intricate, viable preparations that encompassed his departure. With every step away from what was familiar, Momotaro’s journey initiated—engulfed in a steadfast commitment to justice and peace, and unwaveringly directed at the heart of potential heroism—and the impending narratives that awaited his dedicated stride into legend.

Chapter 3: The Assembly of Companions

The scenic path unwound before Momotaro, who, with personalized resolve, forged onward, his destiny entwined with the tranquil wilderness. His solitary transit was abruptly supplemented by serendipitous alliances—strength in numbers that would bolster his capacity to confront adversaries and revitalize order to his homeland.

Assembled on the outskirts of the village, where the designated path veered into a lush thicket, Momotaro encountered what seemed to be a rafting spot for commuter animals. Here, the first creature crossed his vicinity—a dog, a loyal bearer of the canine lineage, standing with patient persistence.

"Kind Momotaro," implored the dog, "could I persuade you to spare a kibi-dango for a hungry fellow? In exchange, I shall lend you my support in the confrontation with the oni.”

Momotaro was reluctant to deviate from his rations, but his propensity for generosity overcame the constraint. "Partake in this kibi dango," he clarified, handing out the treat, "and let this be the sign of our mutual collaboration. Enroll in my journey and be an exponent of your kind."

The dog nodded affirmation, a pledge to adhere to Momotaro's mission and serve as an advocate for their emerging fellowship.

Their path expanded, leading to an intermission by a streaming brook, where inclemency in the weather had necessitated a detour. It was here, amidst the soothing chorus of nature's refrain, that a monkey emerged, its agile curiosity transparent in the way it approached Momotaro.

"Esteemed Momotaro," chattered the monkey, "I request one kibi-dango to sate my appetite. In compensation, I shall contribute my cunning to your audacious mission."

With no objections nor lapses in his amity, Momotaro extended another dango after the monkey solicited membership. "Your alliance is forged—and let this food be the reciprocal proof of our adherence to the common cause."

As they resumed their progression, periodically stopping for reconnaissance and to periodically compile insights from the terrain, the assembly was poised to enroll a new member—a pheasant, its plumage bearing testament to expeditious flights.

"Valiant Momotaro," proclaimed the pheasant, "I covet but one of your famed kibi-dango to nourish my spirit. In kind, my aerial mastery shall be at your service against our shared adversaries."

Clarity in the mission converged with the pheasant's solicitation; Momotaro did not hesitate to oblige. "Together, we shall engineer a decisive strike against the ogres, enlisting our assorted skills for a transparent victory."

The trio of animals, now affiliated with Momotaro's endeavors, respectively pledged their persistence, patience, and perceptive gaze. As mentors to one another in the ways of hands-on combat and strategic foresight, they found companionship to be a complement to their growing strength.

Consecutive days saw the caravan of heroes traverse the scenic route. Anecdotes of past valor echoed among them, fortifying their purpose. The liaison between Momotaro and his comrades, respectful and mentorship-driven, manifested in a robust collaboration, the dog and monkey both exponentially more skilled under the hero’s guidance.

Their plight to intercept and neutralize the threat crystallized an incontrovertible hypothesis: Unity was indispensable. Humble food offerings had served as a nominal yet persuasive contract among them, and while it may seem objectionable to some, this very approach had fostered a harmonious fellowship.

Meanwhile, Momotaro consciously adhered to precautions that might facilitate their journey; always keen to clarify directions, verify paths, and streamline their course of action. His interactions with each companion, tailored to their unique intelligences and abilities, proved to be a transparent success.

Yet, a diagnosis simmered upon his mind: the journey's culmination and uncertainty in the looming skirmish with the ogres sharpened his sense of urgency. Misleading diversions had to be detected early, and cautious advances placed principal.

The bond they formed was not codified in interoffice memos nor cemented in raffles of chance. Instead, it laid the groundwork for an irrefutable delegation of tasks—a dog to bear the frontline, a monkey to detect and outmaneuver, and a pheasant to provide vigilant oversight.

These subsequent preparations coupled with the heroic narrative that Momotaro was to embody. His vigilance and preemptive strategies, compounded with the mission’s revivifying clarity, reinforced their odds in the face of burgeoning adversities.

Skirting detours and skeptical views, the collective’s vicinities overlapped and intersected as they carried forth towards Onigashima. With the sun casting lengthy shadows, the camaraderie thrived, the commitment deepened. Their campaign to confront chaos and solicit peace from its jaws was no longer symptomatic of detached valor but had morphed into an embodiment of pragmatic heroism, solidified by their assembled oath and unwavering affiliation.

As Momotaro and his companions continued their journey toward the isle of ogres, their path led them to a wide and tumultuous river. Here, they found themselves needing to employ the skills of rafting. With the dog serving as a vigilant lookout, the monkey gathering materials, and the pheasant keeping an eye on the shifting winds, they collaborated on constructing a raft designated to bear them safely across. Patiently, they worked to verify the raft's stability, seeking to prevent any lapse in their safety before embarking on the scenic transit.

Chapter 4: The Onslaught of Onigashima

The island fortress of Onigashima towered ahead, an ominous landmark set against the brooding twilight sky. Momotaro and his loyal companions, their hearts united by a vigilant purpose, approached keenly aware of the dangers that lay within. As the scenic hues of sunset painted a spectacular but daunting canvas, the daunting challenge ahead became a vivid tableau, demanding not only courage but also a strategic insight they were all ready to execute.

Their raft touched the rocky shore discreetly, with a commitment to avoid any disruption to their covertness. Momotaro, who had overseen their journey with an unwavering gaze, led his assembly with silent commands and gestures, a testament to his dominant leadership. Their mission—to enforce justice and dismantle the fearsome reign of the ogres—was impeding, yet their determination was undaunted.

With exhaustive knowledge of the terrain and a proficiency in tactical maneuvering, the dog took the forefront, its keen sense intensified by the urgency of their task. The monkey, ever vigorous and agile, executed a high vantage screening from the treetops—its sight set on any obstacle that could potentially obstruct their path. The pheasant, soaring with an overview of the island, activated its unparalleled bird's-eye view to assist in navigating the congested fortifications.

As darkness unfurled over Onigashima, the group proceeded with an intensive stealth that would minimize their presence. They were ready to withstand any resistance, and their prospective plan was to incur a fierce onslaught on their adversaries using the very element of surprise—a disruption that would demolish the ogres' false sense of security.

The ogres, drunk on their ill-gotten gains and caught in the midst of their raucous celebrations, were unaware of the fierce remedy being prepared outside their walls. It was now time for Momotaro and his companions to enforce their strategic compliance, fortified by an expertise in both combat and quiet fortitude.

Amidst the deceptive calm, the dog, with its ferocious bark, activated the commencement of their attack, a clear keynote of the ensuing battle. It lunged at the nearest ogre, a signal for the rest to execute their roles with precision. The monkey joined, its movements spectacular as it leapt upon unsuspecting foes, a practitioner of both mischief and calculated disruptions.

The pheasant, with a streak as swift as lightning, descended from the heavens, its fierce talons seeking the eyes of towering brutes. Its presence was a high-flying remedy to the fray below, a discreet yet effective disruptor.

Momotaro, with his sword drawn—a gleaming extension of his will—advanced upon the ogres with overwhelming vigor. Each clash of blades rang out as a clear pronouncement that the long-borne adversity was to be terminated. When the ogre chief emerged, brandishing his kanabo, he too found the young hero more than ready. Momotaro's endurance was unyielding, his discipline and strength consolidated through countless days of preparation.

The ogres, despite their brute force, were not prepared to withstand an assault meticulously planned and keenly executed. Each one began to retreat as their own endurance depleted. The ranks were broken, the structure of their dominance disrupted. Finally, the ogre chief, now exhausted and liable for his actions, faced defeat.

As Momotaro stood firm, enforcing the culmination of their insurgence, the ogre chief had no choice but to forfeit his malicious intent and comply. It was a unanimous and vigorous surrender, one that decreed the termination of their reign of terror.

The aftermath was one of cautious relief. The battleground, now in the throes of restoring peace, was strewn with the remnants of the struggle. It was clear that strict enforcement of a new, redeemeable code was essential to avoid the resurgence of such fraud and malice. As overseers of this historic compliance, Momotaro and his companions were unanimous in their resolve to reeducate the former tyrants, endorsing a collective path toward harmony.

By the first light of dawn, the once congested labyrinth of Onigashima was no longer obstructed by the specter of violence. It had been transformed into a potent, peaceful domain, under the vigilant watch of its new protectors.

Their mission had been accomplished spectacularly, with the intensity and precise execution that Momotaro's leadership had demanded. Now, laden with the redeemeable treasure, which served to reclaim the prosperity stripped from the mainland, the cohort prepared for their expedition homeward. It was a moment to reflect and consolidate their victory, to carefully oversee the transfer of wealth, and to activate plans for the future which would minimize the chances of adverse events reoccurring.

As they departed, the island fortress of Onigashima remained, a static and silent testament to the fierce battle and the transformative power of virtue. Its monumental silhouette receded into the distance—a discerning reminder of the hardships overcome and the legacy of valor Momotaro and his allies had forged for generations to come.

Chapter 5: The Hero's Return and Everlasting Peace

As the sun dawned anew upon the tranquil village, the scent of fresh bread and the sound of birdsong heralded the beginning of a day etched into history—a comprehensive celebration commemorating the return of Momotaro, now acclaimed as a premier hero nationwide. The anticipation hung palpable in the air, permeating every compartment of the village like a vibrant fabric securing the bounty of forthcoming joy.

Through the scenic trails, etched by ancestors, Momotaro and his indomitable companions journeyed back, their sack heavy with reclaimed treasures—a prestigious array of artifacts that would serve as both a souvenir and a testament to their solidarity. The spacious municipal hall had been furnished with a showcase, ready to display the memorabilia of his expedition.

The dog, with a lively trot and an occasional playful bark, led the way, while the monkey swung from branch to branch, chattering happily. The pheasant glided gracefully overhead, having become a notable addition to Momotaro's portfolio of companions. Their reunion was not just a village affair, but a confidential moment of profound connection, which the entire nation would soon acclimate to through tales that would prosperously publicize Momotaro's valiant deeds.

As they neared the village, a symphony of elated cheers crescendoed, breaking the morning stillness. The village turnout for Momotaro's return surpassed any previous gathering, reflecting the turnout of a gala rather than a simple welcome. The couple, who had longed for this reunion since Momotaro's departure, now beheld the son of their heart—the very embodiment of valor and compassion.

The grandmother, tearful yet thrilled, embraced Momotaro, while the grandfather stood by, a plaque in hand—an amendment to the previous testimonial that had been allocated to the hero before his departure. They were now to commend their adopted son and his companions with an even greater honor, one commensurate with their unprecedented triumphs.

"We have weathered adversity and have unveiled treasures beyond measure," Momotaro said, as he opened the compartment of his sack, revealing the superbly crafted array of opulent goods, retrieved from the ogres' fragile grasp. The ogres, who had discontinued their reign of terror, had agreed to a managerial shift, incorporating peaceful ways laid down by Momotaro and his allies.

In return, Momotaro, from the proceeds of their journey, vowed to reimburse the village for their hardships and to rejuvenate it into a prosperous community. Now buoyant with surplus and financial alleviation, the village would soon commemorate its resistance to the ogres' past torments with a new memorial, an artifact intact with the essence of their journey.

The council village head, privileged to have overseen Momotaro’s growth, imparted upon him the title of "Guardian of Peace." Momotaro and his companions were now cherished shareholders of the village's destiny, their storied feats to be embedded prominently in the annals of history.

The mural painter, inspired to duplicate his previous murals, revealed the new mural—revered and versatile, a testament to the everlasting peace they had achieved. The pharmacy proprietor, who had furnished Momotaro with potent botanicals on his journey, now contemplated the exemplary prescription for peace he had helped compose.

Momotaro stood before the villagers, his managerial aptitude now leading the allocation of resources to commemorate the talents of craftspeople, who would preserve the now prosperous state of their surroundings. His entrepreneurial spirit, enhanced by the venture, aimed to fortify the village's amenities and compensate for any outdated or deteriorated sectors.

The villagers, now exempt from hardship's grip, reveled in the exemplary turnout, their spirits uplifted by the reunion. The commemorative gala, infused with testimonies of Momotaro's journey, became an installment in the village's otherwise tranquil tenure.

The ogres' previous reign, an outage of tranquility, was now replaced by commendable oversight and proficient insulation—from misfortune, from turnover, and from any elements that might deteriorate the new-found peace. With each artifact, every installment of gold and jewel, the village's foundation was restored—versatile in its applications, intact in its integrity, and now exceedingly compatible with a lifestyle of unity and contentment.

As the sun set on this momentous day, the echoes of "happily ever after" ventilated throughout the village, sealing the story of Momotaro—a tale of heroism, kinship, and a treasure greater than gold: the unbreakable bonds of family, both given and chosen. And as the village lay in the twilight, the storied hero pondered his next adventure of building and nurturing the new chapter of enduring peace—and perhaps, as some say, to pave the way for inevitable amendments in the tales yet to be written.