
Balancing Work and Motherhood

My daughter got sick last Friday, so I had to take a day off to care for her. The day before, I had taken her to get six vaccinations, which were administered in both her arms and thighs. I wasn’t sure if there was a link between the vaccinations and her high fever, so I decided to take her to the clinic we usually visit. The doctor examined her but said it was difficult to draw a direct connection between the vaccinations and her symptoms. To be cautious, he prescribed a common cold medicine to help alleviate her discomfort.

I was worried about her health because she seemed so uncomfortable. She was coughing frequently, which sometimes made her short of breath, and I felt helpless watching her go through that. However, I was relieved that she still had a strong appetite. To ensure she got the nutrition she needed, I ordered a meal from a daycare-run restaurant that provides balanced and nutritious food for children. This has been my routine whenever she isn’t feeling well. After the doctor’s visit, I picked up the meal, and to my relief, she ate a lot. Seeing her eat reassured me that she was getting the energy she needed to fight off the illness.

After a long nap, her fever finally went down to normal. She then made her way to the entrance, picked up her shoes, and brought them to the living room where I was sitting. It was her way of showing that she wanted to go for a walk outside. Despite not being able to speak yet, she communicates her desires clearly through her actions. She is clever and assertive, and it’s often easy to understand what she wants. I felt a mix of emotions: happiness that she had recovered so quickly, but also reluctance at the thought of taking her outside under the scorching sun.

Eventually, I decided to prioritize her desire to go out and put my work aside. I thought that once she used up some of her energy outside, she would fall asleep easily, giving me a chance to focus on my work afterward. This approach seemed more effective than trying to juggle two things at the same time without giving either my full attention. As expected, our walk tired her out, and she soon fell asleep, allowing me to tackle my work with a clear mind. It turned out to be a productive day after all.

This experience reminded me that it’s important not to try to do too much at once, especially in situations full of unexpected events. Most things are beyond our control, so it’s crucial to handle them one step at a time. Being kind to myself and not rushing through tasks proved to be more effective. In the end, I realized that separating responsibilities and focusing on each with undivided attention can help me manage both work and parenting successfully.

Taking care of my daughter while managing work is challenging, especially when unexpected situations arise. However, this experience reinforced the value of addressing one task at a time and being patient with myself. By prioritizing her needs and focusing on my work afterward, I was able to handle both roles more effectively and calmly.

