

incredible : 信じられない、信用できない、素晴らしい
statesman : 政治家
crucial : 極めて重要[重大]な、決定的な
masterminded : 陰で操る、背後で[から]操る、陰で糸を引く
annexation : 併合
fueled : 燃料を投下した、煽った
resentment : 恨み
skillfully : 巧みに、うまく、上手に
diplomacy : 外交
ruthless : 無慈悲な、非情な
outweigh : 上回る

A: Have you read about Otto von Bismarck? He was an incredible statesman who played a crucial role in the unification of Germany in 1871.

B: I don't think he was all that great. He masterminded the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine, which only fueled French resentment towards Germany.

A: Yes, that's true, but he also skillfully used balance of power diplomacy to maintain Germany's position in a peaceful Europe.

B: I still don't agree with you. His Realpolitik tactics were ruthless and his powerful rule at home earned him the nickname "the Iron Chancellor."

A: Well, you can't deny that he created the first welfare state in the modern world to gain working class support. That was quite progressive for his time.

B: I suppose that's true, but I still think his negative actions outweigh the positive ones.

A: Fair enough. It's always interesting to see different perspectives on historical figures.
