




Is Having Children Worth It in Today's Japan?


The economic landscape of Japan has been facing significant challenges in recent years. While the stock market has shown signs of growth, the real wages of Japanese citizens have been declining. This, coupled with the rising cost of education, has led to the notion that having children is a "bad investment."

Personal Growth through Marriage and Parenthood

Despite these economic concerns, I believe that having children is a valuable and rewarding experience. Marriage and childbirth are not merely transitions from singlehood to coupledom and parenthood, but rather crucial stages in personal growth.

My Personal Journey

Admittedly, I was a self-centered individual in my early twenties. However, meeting my wife and building a warm and loving home together, albeit with occasional clashes, transformed me. The birth of my son was the most感動的なmoment of my life, surpassing even the joy of entering a prestigious university or securing a coveted consulting job.

Challenges and Fulfillment

Raising a child comes with its fair share of challenges, such as sleepless nights due to crying. However, my son's existence has given my life a deeper meaning and sense of responsibility. It is no longer just about myself, but also about nurturing and raising another human being.

Children as a Source of Hope

Children are also a source of hope for the future. Their very existence motivates us to work harder and strive for a better society. We want to leave behind a world that is full of opportunities and possibilities for our children to thrive.


While economic factors are undoubtedly important, the emotional and spiritual rewards of having children can far outweigh the financial costs. Having children allows us to experience unconditional love, witness the miracle of life, and contribute to the future of our society.

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