The Rise of Large Language Models in Legal Contract Review

The Rise of Large Language Models in Legal Contract Review


The legal industry is constantly evolving, and new technologies are emerging that have the potential to revolutionize the way legal services are delivered. One such technology is large language models (LLMs). LLMs are powerful artificial intelligence (AI) models that have been trained on massive datasets of text and code. They can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

LLMs and Legal Contract Review

One area where LLMs have the potential to make a significant impact is in the field of legal contract review. Contract review is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that is typically carried out by lawyers. LLMs can be used to automate many of the tasks involved in contract review, such as identifying potential risks and issues, drafting contract amendments, and negotiating contract terms.

Benefits of Using LLMs for Contract Review

There are several benefits to using LLMs for contract review. First, LLMs can significantly reduce the time and cost of contract review. Second, LLMs can improve the accuracy and consistency of contract review. Third, LLMs can help lawyers to focus on more complex and strategic tasks.

Challenges of Using LLMs for Contract Review

There are also some challenges associated with using LLMs for contract review. One challenge is that LLMs are not yet perfect. They can make mistakes, and they may not be able to understand the nuances of legal language. Another challenge is that LLMs may not be able to replace lawyers entirely. Lawyers will still be needed to provide legal advice and to interpret the law.


Despite the challenges, the use of LLMs for contract review is likely to grow in the coming years. LLMs have the potential to revolutionize the way legal services are delivered, and they can help lawyers to be more efficient and effective.

Additional Information

  • The paper "Better Call GPT, Comparing Large Language Models Against Lawyers" by Onit can be found here:

  • A blog post on the topic of LLMs and legal contract review can be found here: <無効な URL を削除しました>
