小説:ロマンシングサガ ミンストレルソング 第1話 ウェスエンドでの始まり~謎の宝石エメラルド~迷いの森での出会い





























































From now on, I'm going to write a romance saga/minstrel song novel. This is a work that incorporates the author's original elements into the original work.

[Worldview and Mythology]
This world is called Mardias. About 1,000 years ago, three evil gods challenged the king of the gods and humans to a war. Of the evil gods, Death and Sheraha stopped fighting, but Saluin was the only one who did not stop fighting. Saluin is the creator of the monsters that humans call "monsters." The creator of humans, the King of the Gods, Erol, shared his power with 10 jewels called the Destiny Stones and entrusted them to the human hero Mirza. Mirza succeeded in defeating Saluin and sealing him away, but at that time, he himself lost his life in the final attack fired by Saluin. Mirza was taken up by Errol to the heavenly world, and was made to watch over the human world as a star and a god. After 1000 years, the battle of the gods, the exploits of the hero Mirza, and the Destiny Stones have become nothing more than myths and fairy tales. However, Saluin has absorbed the evil spirits of humans, and the time of resurrection is drawing near.

[World Situation]
There are four powerful countries and forces in Mardias.

The Bafar Empire is the most historic and dignified country in the world, with an emperor as its monarch. This country is financially rich because it has a gold mine called Goldmine. However, the country's trade is hindered by pirates, and its national power is on the decline.

In the Kingdom of Rosalia, a long time ago, a female swordsman named Rosa was assigned to protect the Emperor of the Bafar Empire, and her origins lie in the land that the Emperor gave her. The king of Rosalia Kingdom is sick in bed, and Crown Prince Neidhart is in charge of politics in his place. At the southern end of the Rosalia Kingdom, there is a fortress called Isthmus Castle for defense against the Bafar Empire and other nations.

Gujarat is a country with an Asian-style culture, and its capital is Estamil, the largest city in the world. The lord of Gujarat was a man named Uhanji. There are rumors that Uhanji likes women.

There is a fourth force known as the Knights' Territory. The Order of Knights was founded by Duke Eugen, who was an ally of the hero Mirza. Lord Eugen was about to join Mirza in the final battle against Saluin, but Mirza told him not to participate in the battle in order to restore the world after the battle, and he was forced to part ways with Mirza. became. Prince Eugen built a city named Mirzabur after him in memory of Mirza. The Knights' territory is a collegial state ruled by Theodor, the lord of Mirzabul, Heinrich, the lord of Eugenstadt, and the mysterious female magician Flama.

In addition, the Garesa Steppe spreads to the north of the Kingdom of Rosaria, where the nomadic Talal tribe lives. In the northwest of the world, there is a land called the frontier, where people have begun to develop.

[Six main characters]
*Originally there are eight main characters, but due to the author's preference and the convenience of the story, I have decided to limit the number to six.

Albert: A 17-year-old boy who is the son of Marquis Rudolf, the lord of Isthmus Castle located on the border of Rosalia and Bafar. He has a sense of justice and is the type most likely to be the main character among the six, but his weaknesses are that he suffers from being too serious, and that he was raised in a greenhouse as an aristocrat and does not know the outside world. He has a kind but strict older sister, Diana, who cares for his younger brother.

Aisha is a 15-year-old girl and the granddaughter of Nizam, the chieftain of the Tarar tribe, who lives as a nomadic tribe in the vast grasslands of Garesa Steppe. Her parents died before she could remember, but with the support of the villagers, she grew up bright and innocent, and her irrepressible curiosity led her to dream of traveling all over the place.

Claudia was raised by the witch Owl in the Lost Forest near Melville, the capital of the Bafar Empire. She is a beautiful 22-year-old woman with a calm personality and a mysterious side. She has lived her life as a forest guardian, protecting the Lost Forest from hunters and monsters. Her favorite weapon is the bow.

Hawk: A 36-year-old male pirate based in the Pirate Coast, a stronghold of pirates in the Coral Sea. He is a huge man with a height of 188cm. As a pirate, he does plunder, but he doesn't like killing. He has a very bad relationship with fellow pirate Butcher. He dreams of collecting the world's many treasures.

Sif: A female warrior of the Valhar tribe who lives in the village of Gath on the outskirts of Valhallant, a land covered entirely in snow. Although she is a woman, she is over 180cm tall and has a huge body. Her mission is to exterminate monsters in Valhallant.

Barbara: A dancer woman who earns a living while traveling around the frontiers that people are developing at the western edge of the world. She dances in pubs all over the country and is popular with men. She has short hair and is a woman with a slightly sexy adult charm.

[Important characters other than the main character]
Jamil: Mardias A man in his 20s who works in the thief business with his partner Daud, based in Estamir, the largest city. He is good friends with his childhood friend, Farah. - Bard A mysterious man who travels around the world and passes down legends from each region.

Nighthalt: Crown Prince of the Rosalia Kingdom. He rules over the Kingdom of Rosalia in place of the sick king. He has excellent abilities both as a politician and as a soldier. Although he has a kind personality, he is also cold-hearted and has ambitions to expand his territory.

Diana: Daughter of Rudolf, lord of Isthmus Castle in Rosalia Kingdom, and Alberto's older sister. Although she is a noble, she is also an excellent female swordsman.

Sylven: A silver wolf who lives in the Lost Forest, and lives with the witches Owl and Claudia. He works hard to prevent suspicious humans and monsters from entering the Lost Forest.

Blau: A brown bear who lives in the Lost Forest, and lives with the witches Owl and Claudia. He works hard to prevent suspicious humans and monsters from entering the Lost Forest.

Jean: An elite member of the Bafar Imperial Guard, he is praised by Neville for his energy and swordsmanship. In addition to combat, he also performs research missions.

Patrick: Minister of Finance of the Bafar Empire.

Gela = Ha: A man from the Gecko tribe who looks like a lizard but can understand human language. He is intelligent and polite. The Gekko tribe has a legend that long ago, they were lizards but were given human-like intelligence and the ability to walk on two legs by Saruin.

Galahad: He is a large holy warrior who dedicated his sword and body to Mirza, the god of war. He has a strong sense of justice and is deeply religious, and is often found in Mirza Temple.

Theodore: An old knight who is the lord of Mirzabul Castle in the Knights' territory and is known as the "Sword of the Knights." Although he is old, his sword skills show no signs of weakening. He does not like leaving only his subordinates to carry out missions, and actively participates in battles to defend his territory. He has an only daughter named Constance.

Heinrich is an old knight known as the ``Shield of the Knights'' and is the lord of Eugenstadt. Unlike Theodore, he is in poor health and does not participate in the battle. However, he plays an important role in politics, serving as the chairman of the Knights' Territory Council. His aide (secretary) is a young and good-looking male swordsman named Raphael, and he has high hopes for him as he is still an apprentice knight.

Raphael: He is Theodor's daughter, Constance's lover, and Heinrich's close aide.

Flamma: A female magician who lives in Beiselheim, a territory of the Flemish Knights. Although she is not a knight as she is a magician, she plays an important role in the knight council and participates in politics.

Uhanji: Although he is the most powerful person in Kujarat, he loves women and has created a harem of many women. He has an only daughter.

Nizam: He is the chief of the nomadic Tarar tribe in the galesa Steppe and Aisha's grandfather.

[Major Gods]
Erol is the god who created modern humans in order to rebuild the world after there was a great war between the gods in ancient times, and is the creator of humans. He regrets that the world was once destroyed in the Great War of the Gods, and in the battle with the evil spirit Saluin 1000 years ago, he avoided fighting directly as a god and gave power to the hero Mirza in the form of the Destiny Stone. Participated in the fight by sharing.

Nisa is the goddess of the earth and fertility. She is Errol's wife.

Ukom is the god of the sea and is worshiped by sailors, fishermen, and other sea-related occupations.

Mirza: A human hero who fought against Saluin 1000 years ago. After his death, he became one of the gods.

Saruin is feared by humans as a god of destruction, slaughter, and hatred. He likes fighting. Being sealed away by the human hero Mirza 1000 years ago, he believes that ``it is some kind of mistake for a god to be defeated by a human,'' and resents it as ``a despicable trap set by Errol.''

Below is the first episode =====================

This is the frontier, a newly developed land located northwest of Mardias. In West End, the westernmost town on the frontier, there was a beautiful dancer. Her name is Barbara. She earned her daily living by performing dance shows. As usual, she walked into the pub and was greeted by a minstrel with an instrument.

"You're a dancer, right? If you don't mind, could you show me your dance?"

"Yeah, okay."

Barbara performed a dance. It was a beautiful, light step. The men in the pub were delighted.

"That's a wonderful dance. By the way, could you please accept this jewel?"

The male bard handed Barbara a sparkling amethyst gemstone.

“Is it okay to have such expensive-looking jewelry?”

“Yes, I would like to give it to you, or rather, I would like to entrust it to you.”

“I entrust it to you…Is there some deep meaning behind this amethyst?”

"It's a secret for now...but I'm sure you'll find out what it means someday."

Although Barbara was confused, she decided to accept the jewel. For some reason, after receiving her jewel, she felt a desire to explore the world.

Meanwhile, in the Lost Forest of the Bafar Empire, a woman named Claudia, a forest keeper, was patrolling the forest as usual when she came across a man being attacked by a monster.

"I have to rescue that person!"

Claudia exterminated the monster with her specialty, the bow.

"Well, I thought my life was over. Thank you for saving me. I'm Jean of the Bafar Imperial Guard. What's your name?"

"My name is Claudia..."

Jean couldn't hide his surprise in his heart. And since it was reflected in his facial expressions, Claudia wondered as well. But she decided not to worry about it at that moment.

"Ah, those two, or should I say, are those two your friends? They're a bit strange, but they're reliable and good friends."

Claudia is silent.

"That ring. It's a pretty nice ring. It looks like there's a fancy shop in this forest."

Claudia is still silent.

"Next time, come visit me in Melville. I'm usually at the palace. See you then. Be sure to come!"

Neither Barbara nor Claudia noticed at the time. These two women were led to their destiny by this event.
