

English follows.













Our family all love to eat. We eat a lot, so we have to shop for a lot of food, so in Japan we used to use home delivery services every week. The Netherlands is quite expensive in general, but eating out is particularly expensive. And food is relatively less expensive due to low tax rates and tastes good, so I try to cook as much as possible.
Supermarkets are well stocked and shopping is fun! In addition, we also enjoy shopping for food at the markets, as our city has street markets on Saturdays and Wednesdays.

We immediately went to the market on a Saturday when we had just arrived in the Netherlands. The aim was to buy food, but the temptation of the food stalls was too much to resist: we were immediately treated to herring, french frie that I have loved since we lived in NL 20 years ago! It was the first time the children had tried them.

In the Netherlands, french fries are served with mayonnaise. Hot, freshly fried fries and mayonnaise💓 irresistible taste... don't even think about the calories! We were given a generous portion in a conical paper container, one for two of us, and it was gone in no time 😂.

Herring is a lightly salted and slightly fermented fish, which is like sashimi in the Japanese sense☺It's eaten with a sprinkling of chopped onions, holding the tail, looking up, mouth open and eating with gusto.This is the Dutch way of eating herring!!

My husband and I loved herring, but Kai liked it so much that we ate it at the market in Rotterdam the following week and also he begged to buy some at the supermarket, so we've already eaten it three times in the two weeks we've only been in NL.

Another delicious Dutch street food is kipling. It's fried white fish.  It's a bit like fish and chips in the UK, but with mayonnaise instead of malt vinegar!

One last thing: the bitterbollen. These are round croquette-like deep-fried balls.

I was going to write about food, but it turned into an introduction to Dutch fast food! And when I wrote it, I realised that there is a lot of fried food and mayonnaise! (No, I had noticed it from the beginning, but I had turned my eyes away from unhealth.)
I will write about the ingredients at another time!



