
Favourite Songs of 2022(私の2022年間トップ50曲)


Look at that, it's already 2023 but here I am still writing about 2022. Not to mention, how many other lists have been posted on note? (The answer is a lot) To be honest, this list doesn't offer anything new nor do I have any clout or musical background so please take everything with a grain of salt and just enjoy the list. The only gimmick I have is that I'm a Canadian that's obsessed with Japanese music so if you wanna practice reading something in English or you're already an English reader (Hi!) than please continue reading on. I hope that you will find many songs that you either A, enjoy or B, don't know about but will come to like.

The only rule I had was that I could only feature one song from each artist so that I could avoid cluttering the top songs with songs by the same artist. With that in mind, let's get to the list!

Songs That Didn't Make My Top 10

Songs #50-41

#50 - Nelko - Melted Blue
#49 - SADFRANK - Quai
#48 - 中村佳穂 - Hank
#47 - さとうもか - 魔法
#46 - Predawn - The Bell
#45 - AAAMYYY - あの笑み (Feat. ano)
#44 - UlulU - Terminal
#43 - Schuwa Schuwa - WEEKEND
#42 - Mega Shinnosuke - 恋しい日々。
#41 - salasa - Amber

It's always good to see a mix of songs from veterans and newcomers. Listening to Melted Blue and WEEKEND always puts me in a chill mood while Hank, Quai, and The Bell are really soothing. I always thought 魔法 was super catchy but hearing it played over and over at Karaoke while we were choosing songs probably cemented it for me. I was really into あの笑み at one point but burnt out a bit on it so ちょっと残念 but it's cool to see this combination and I'm always looking forward to see who AAAMYYY teams up with next. I actually volunteered at a concert that UlulU was apart of years ago in Toronto so it's good to see them all back together again making good music as if nothing changed. As for Mega Shinnosuke, I had super high expectations from him when he released 桃源郷とタクシー but have been really hot or cold on his recent output. Luckily I was leaning towards the hotter side this time and though 恋しい日々。was a cute song. Rounding out this list is newcomer salasa and her song Amber. I feel like there's been a good amount of R&B coming out from indie artists in Japan and this song is more proof of that.

Songs #40-31

#40 - ずっと真夜中でいいのに - 消えてしまいそうです
#39 - 宇多田ヒカル - 君に夢中
#38 - あいみょん - 初恋が泣いている
#37 - 水曜日のカンパネラ - エジソン
#36 - The 2 - ミスサンシャイン
#35 - MONDO GROSSO - IN THIS WORLD (Feat. 坂本龍一、満島ひかり)
#34 - 踊ってばかりの国 - ニーチェ
#33 - DENIMS - ふたり (Feat.アユニ・D)
#32 - kiki vivi lily - ロマンス

I'm not super into a lot of ボカロイド/歌い手 type of songs so I really like the change of pace of 消えてしまいそうです and would love to see her explore this style more. I know a looooot of people really enjoyed BADモード but I couldn't really get into it with the exception of 君に夢中. One of my best friends was singing あいみょん an awful lot last year so I guess it rubbed off on me too. I feel like あいみょん's output is so consistently good and thought that the last album was no different. エジソン is a great upbeat song with a great video so what's not to like. ミスサンシャイン is a song from THE 2 which seems to be band made up of ex. members from all over the place and you can really see that come out in this song. IN THIS WORLD is yet another amazing collaboration between MONDO GROSSO and 満島ひかり. It also has a killer music video to boot. ニーチェ takes a bit to get into but the final build up is certainly worth sticking it out for. The next two songs, ふたり and ロマンス, are both really cute in their own right and makes me want to make an alternative list of the cutest songs of 2022. (I think ロマンス would win by the way) Last up is Dramatic by マスドレ, which is the lead single off their latest album. FYI I was also a volunteer at one of their performances in Toronto so I have fond memories of stage diving to delusionalism and ハイライト. They may not have hit quite the same highs as their past album but I really liked Dramatic and can't wait to see them perform it live.

Songs #30-21

#30 - ゲスの極み乙女 - 悪夢のおまけ
#29 - ano - ちゅ、多様性。
#28 - GLIM SPANKY - ウイスキーが、お好きでしょ
#27 - never young beach - こんにちは
#26 - レキシ - マイ草履 (Feat. にゃん北朝時代)
#25 - LIGHTERS - don't cry
#24 - LÜCY - OH HEY (Feat. 羊文学)
#23 - スカート - 窓辺にて
#22 - FORD TRIO - なんにも (Feat. 橋本薫)
#21 - indigo la End - ヴァイオレット

As always, 川谷絵音 continues his mastery of music with 悪夢のおまけ and ヴァイオレット which is funny because it's actually a cover of a song that he wrote for 原田 知世. ano's ちゅ、多様性。is song off the new hit anime CHAINSAW MAN and after seeing all the artists who have lent their talents for the OP's and ED's, I really think I should check it out. ウイスキーが、お好きでしょ is a classic for a reason and 松尾レミ does a great rendition of it. It's really cool to see the comradery that never young beach, 羊文学, and Helsinki Lambda Club had with other foreign artists (two of them being Taiwanese) this year and it made for some really good music as well as introduce me to a bunch of artists I would have probably never listened to. On another note, I am probably the biggest fan of カネコアヤノ so I was super excited to see her do another collaboration, this time with レキシ, and results were pretty good though I believe her solo output or her collab with KID FRESINO were better but beggars can't be choosers and more カネコアヤノ is more カネコアヤノ. don't cry makes me want to cry when I realize that I'll never get to see the pair do a live together but at least they left some great dreamy indie pop songs.  Last up is a song by スカート who I was not aware of before this year but seems to have been active since 2006! 窓辺にて reminds me of so many classic love songs from the early 2000's so it makes total sense.

Songs #20-11

#20 - Zukai - 酸素
#19 - YMB - 似た者同士
#18 - iri - STARLIGHT
#17 - ヤユヨ - あばよ、
#16 - 小田朋美 - 万葉 (Feat. TENDRE)
#15 - Sunny Day Service - こわれそう
#14 - サカナクション - プラトー
#13 - TOMOO - Ginger
#12 - Tempalay - 続・Have a nice days club
#11 - Chilli Beans. - L.I.B.

I would just like to shoutout Spotify for helping me find 酸素, 似た者同士, and Ginger. Even though it's super creepy how much data is being mined by companies, if this is the result from Spotify then I guess keep going. All three are earworms though they all hit differently though; 酸素 reminds me of 2000's pop rock while 似た者同士 is very now and Ginger is more reminiscent of other solo female artists of the past. ヤユヨ continues the tradition of great all-female bands with あばよ、; a powerful song with a catchy chorus. 万葉 on the other hand is a slow-paced song by 小田朋美 with some killer vocals courtesy of TENDRE. The music video really minds me of 花束みたいな恋をした so thanks for the PTSD I guess. Sunny Day Service is a another song from a veteran band and yeah, it's good. Classic Japanese rock that will never go away. Ahh サカナクション, when will I be able to see you guys live again. I had tickets to go to one of their concerts about three years ago but you could probably imagine why it was cancelled. Flash forward to 2022 and they cancelled their latest tour yet again. At least they put out another great album with プラトー being my favourite of the bunch. Classic サカナクション, full of all the build-up and release we've come to expect from them. Please stay healthy 山口さん. 続・Have a nice days club was on loop for the better part of October so no surprise from me there. Chilli Beans., like ヤユヨ, continues to carry the torch but in their own way with one of the catchiest damn songs in L.I.B. I dare you to try and get that damn chorus out of your head. I dare you. "Life is Bussiness, Life is Bussiness, Life is Bussiness…"

Top #10 Songs (Finally)

I wasn't gonna write anything for songs 50-20 but alas I did and now here I am, about 7500 characters later. I hope someone is still reading this.

Song #10 - mitsume - メビウス

I spent quite some time making these images but I don't think anyone will make it this far haha

ミツメ has now entered my top 10 songs two years in a row. First in 2021 with フィクション and now this year with メビウス. The opening drum beat of メビウス just hits all the right beats and when the guitars come in, you know you're in for a good ride. The singing is nice and mellow and the chorus just melds into the beat so perfectly. This is quite a subdued song and it ends abruptly but because of this, it just keeps you wanting more; you'll gladly abide.

Songs #9 - Laura day romance - tender icecream

Laura day romance's vocalist 井上花月 voice is just beautiful. No, I don't think she's as great as a singer as someone like Ado but it suits the instrumentals to a tee and evokes this nostalgia in me that I can't quite seem to put my finger on. I guess between this and a couple of other songs on my list, I'm really into that garage band kind of sound. If you are into dreamy guitars paired with soft vocals, I implore you to check out tender icecream.

Song #8 - Vaundy - 走馬灯

Another year, another plethora of great songs in a vast majority of styles from Vaundy. I don't know how he does it, but he released yet again another anthemic song in 走馬灯. This song is definitely more along the lines of something like しわあわせ or benefits with it's heavier emphasis on the guitars and cathartic choruses. It normally takes awhile for me to get into songs with slower tempos but with just one listen, I was instantly into it and was shaking my head as the song climaxes in the final bridge. I hope Vaundy continues to burn bright without burning out.

Song #7 - 羊文学 - マヨイガ

It's funny but I could never get into 羊文学 though I've been aware of them since they came to Toronto once during the Next Music From Tokyo shows in 2016. At least that was until their much beloved album POWERS in 2020. Since then, I've been on the 羊文学 train and though I'm not the conductor, I am a passenger waiting for the next hit to arrive and boy did it with 2022's our hope. I could say the same things for all their songs as they all share the same DNA but damn it who cares, they write such good songs. So choosing which song to represent them this time was a tough call but I ultimately landed on マヨイガ. The little minute build-up as the song starts just gets you so pumped and then 塩塚モエカ vocals kick-in and before you know it you're already in. The final part of the chorus where she sings "世界を愛してください" as フクダヒロア absolutely pounds the drums is so engrossing you can't help but sit back and take in what you just heard. It's never too late to get on the 羊文学 train and now's a great time to jump in.

Song #6 - Helsinki Lambda Club - Mystery Train (Feat. Wez Atlas)

I really am enjoying all the different collaborations between all my favourite artists and other artists I'm less familiar with. The output is always a great mix between the two and when both are firing on all cylinders, the results end up being quite stellar. Such is the case with Helsinki Lambda Club's song Mystery Train featuring rapper Wez Atlas. The beat is just so damn groovy and Wez Atlas just kills it with his verses. Sure, some of the lyrics are a bit cheesy (using wasabi like that is interesting to say the least) but I would be lying if I said I didn't feel like an absolute badass when singing the rap parts at karaoke. I remember when this song came out, I sent it out to almost all my group chats because I was just so damn hyped every time I heard this song. If that's not enough praise then I don't know what is.

Song #5 - suya suya junction - girl

I have no idea who suya suya junction is but I do know that I love this song and it's invaded all my playlists about 5 months ago. I don't think the song is particularly innovative or groundbreaking but there's just something about it that keeps me coming back and isn't that what counts. I really enjoy the vocalist and her delivery during the chorus is probably the main catalyst behind why I enjoy this song so very much. I don't know if you will fall in love with this song like I have but give it a shot, you never know.

Song #4 - Homecomings - アルペジオ

Like 羊文学, it took awhile for me to get into Homecomings but I've really been enjoying their recent output. アルペジオ is a warm song that is comforting to listen to and just envelops you a blanket of sound. Like the last song girl, I don't think Homecomings are breaking any new ground either but this song is just so solid and catchy, I believe it's rightfully earned it's place in my list this year. Not much more to say than listen to it if you are in the mood for a low tempo song with a calming melody.

Song #3 - Cody・Lee(李) - 愛してますっ!

愛してますっ! is a product of the mad lads Cody・Lee(李) and is every bit as weird and mesmerizing as all their other songs. This song kicks off with some hilariously odd English and from then on wastes no time by going directly into the chorus. The song is such a delight as the two vocalist take turns singing some of the sweetest lyrics I've seen this year. Cody・Lee(李) as a whole has been killing it since their inception and if it wasn't for a certain other band, they would most definitely be my favourite new artist this year (though more on that later). I think Cody・Lee(李) is a shining example of what makes the Japanese music scene so good and varied; artists being not afraid to just be themselves no matter how odd they could be. It's certainly paid off here. If this song has peaked your interest in the least, check out every single one of their singles off their debut album.

Song #2 - カネコアヤノ - わたしたちへ

Ahhh at least, my beloved カネコアヤノ. It's really hard to hide my bias here so I guess I won't. People always ask me why I came to Japan, and I always reply "It's so I can see my favourite Japanese artists perform live" and currently my most favourite artist is カネコアヤノ. I've seen her about 6 times since coming here and I eagerly await seeing her again at her next show at Budokan. So it shouldn't be a surprise to see her song up so high. If anything, it's more surprising it wasn't number one so I guess that means I'm not completely biased here. Back to the topic at hand though, わたしたちへ is a bit of a departure from her other songs as it gives off a more shoegazy, garage rock kind of vibe. Maybe it's because I'm somewhat part of the YouTube generation but I really appreciate how quickly the song ramps up with the explosion of sound at the beginning. Listening to that part at full blast with earphones on is an otherworldly experience that is totally worth the damage to my ears that is almost guaranteed at this point. The guitarist is also on point as always with his superb solo and the backup vocals on the chorus help lend to that dreamy sound throughout. I’d also recommend her other two releases this year 気分 and 予感 but you know, I also recommend every single song she's released during her career so take those recommendations with a huge grain of salt.

Song #1 - BIALYSTOCKS - 差し色

Earlier I mentioned that Cody・Lee(李) was almost my favourite new artist; well, that honour actually goes to Tokyo duo BIALYSTOCKS. The creativity in their songwriting and their willingness to innovate rockets them all the way to first place with 差し色. I actually think 差し色 isn't quite as out their as their other songs but it's definitely the easiest one to recommended while still keeping all of the elements that make them unique. 差し色 opens with this wonderful chime and continues with pleasant vocals from director turned frontman 甫木元空. The almost metronome like drumming keeps the pace of the song up while retaining the laidback style creating a song with perfect balance. Though the pianist and support band doesn't go crazy in this song, I feel like they were given the ability to explore within the confines of the song and it really shows in the piano and especially the bass towards the end of the song. The song fades out with the sound of the metronome like drumming creating this feeling like the dream is coming to an end. I'm just absolutely enamored with BIALYSTOCKS lately and am so pleasantly surprised each and every time they release a new song. If you wanna try one of their more out there songs, I recommend songs like I Don't Have a Pen (I know it sounds like ピコ太郎) or All Too Soon. If that's not quite your cup of tea then check out Upon You or Nevermore.


16,000 characters later and about 7 hours or so of my life down the drain. Hopefully it was all worth it and at least one more person enjoys this breakdown of my favourite songs of the year. If you want, please feel free to reach out and chat with me! I'd love to meet more people with similar taste with me so don't be shy. Alright, it's 4am so it's definitely waaaaaay past my bedtime so it's time to wrap this up. Thanks 2022 for not being entirely terrible.

