
こんなときだからこそイングリッシュ April 12th / William and kate vide call key worker's children



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第1回の4月12日はBBCニュースからWilliam and kate vide call key worker's children という記事。


The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made a video call to the children of key workers at a school in Lancashire.

Duke and Duchess:公爵夫妻


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We should have had our bunney ear on! That's a strong look! 
Hello! What's your names? My name is Harris.
Hello Harris. Hi Harris.
My name's Lloyd.
Hi Lloyd, very nice to meet you. I'm Catherine and this is William next to me.
Are you holding out pictures of your mummies and daddies?
Yeah.This is a picture of my mum and she works for the NHS as an admin for the health visitors and I'm really proud of her.


NHS : National Health Service
admin: administration 〔学校・病院・評議会などの団体の〕運営陣、経営陣

Yeah, well done you. Can you hold it up a bit to your left? So we can see it.
That's it. Brilliant. Look at that. That's a great picture. It's a great photo. Well done. It's brilliant. I agree. You should be very proud of her. They are doing an amazing job, all the NHS workers so well done you. Thank you.  Lloyd, have got a picture, too?

This is a picture of my mum and she works at a special school and she helps and treats children.

special school:〈主に英〉〔障害を持つ子どもたちのための〕特別支援学校
treat: 〔病気・けがなどを治すために〕治療する、手当てする

Fantastic. And she is still working at the moment?
This week.
She is working this week. Is that why you are having to go to into school with everybody else?
And how do you guys feel about being at school?
I am happy.
Happy. Good.
I feel good because it means that I meet new people.
Yeah, well done you guys. Have you met some nice new friends?
Oh, that's great.

guys: 人々。単数系の時は男の人を指すが、複数形だと女性に対しても使用可。

We should have sent you some ears, shouldn't we?
I know! If we'd known we would have have put ours on too.And thank you so much. It's great to meet the kids. So sit down here, we had a really fun time.

Thank you so much for taking the time. It's been amazing experience for them.

Yeah, fantastic.

No not at all. We just want to say a huge thank you to you guys. And well done in keeping it all going. Please pass on many messages of support for all the staff and all the volunteers. They are doing a great job.



May English be with you!!

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