

Lifetime sales fell from 3 billion yen to 300 million yen in debt. I was lost my dreams and self-confidence and suffered from depression, but overcame it and started a second life.


Now is the time to swallow your pride and talk about it. I was a beauty equipment manufacturer with lifetime sales of 3 billion yen and was overflowing with confidence, but I became overconfident in herself and others, and before i knew it, I had a total of 300 million yen in debt and went bankrupt in 2021. did. Doubting their own potential, businesses and other people disappear like the tide goes out, and most of all, they become socially powerless. However, I was forced to quit my previous job due to depression and depression.


I reflected on the fact that people do not live alone. I also experienced the pain of not having dreams, hopes, and goals. When that happened, I also learned that humans are creatures that only think about bad things. But at the same time, you realize that you are not alone.


Some people heard about me and contacted me on the phone or on LINE. Unfortunately, most of the calls were completely unproductive, alcohol-based, and unresolved information-gathering calls. However, even in such a situation, he was genuinely concerned about me, thinking about my physical condition and mental health, and myself made suggestions about what I needed right now.


When you say this, some people may immediately start talking about money. However, that was not the case; they evaluated my past achievements, reminded me of the confidence I had almost forgotten, and provided me with the information and ideas needed for the future era and industry, all of which I needed to contribute to society. He taught me how to be and how to do things. Some of them contacted me for the first time in over 10 years.


I felt grateful, saying, ``Even though I lost all my money, someone who was truly important to me remained with me.'' As a result, I gradually opened up my closed-minded self, found what I could do for society once again, and motivated myself to contribute once again. However, it wasn't so easy to figure out what to do. Once you lose your dreams, you don't really know what to devote your life to. I also think that because of the unusual environment I have lived in for the past 20 years since I entered society, some things have become too ingrained in my body.


Everyone has the right to be happy and was born into this world, but the reality is that we live our lives thinking, ``I want to be happy.'' However, even though the situation seemed difficult and difficult, I thoroughly enjoyed the environment. And I was excited. Our aim is to create a business where, through what we have learned in that environment, we can rejoice and grieve each event with our colleagues, encourage and help each other, and convey the joy of life and work. I just wanted to create a good company where people can truly share their joys and sorrows.


Fundamentally, a company without a philosophy will not continue, and a company whose managers and executives change their interpretations and opinions depending on the situation, or ignore the existence of a philosophy, will not continue. I have come to think that being called a solid company is just right.


It may be that the conclusion has not been reached yet because they have not yet adapted to the education, reflection, and environmental society that is considered kind to others. However, if you are like me, you have lost sight of your dreams and hopes and don't know what to do or who to aim for. I am now seriously thinking that I want to be a point of light in the darkness for such people.


Walk the path you believe in without worrying about other people's opinions. That is what makes me the happiest, and I strongly want to prove that nothing is impossible. Although I am currently a self-employed business owner who went bankrupt, I aim to become a self-employed business owner with higher social credibility than the companies around me, and I spend my days determined to make a significant contribution to society.


Corporate projects are also increasing. I've started to see what I want to do. I would be happy if I could be able to give courage to as many people as possible by introducing the tips for living happily and the progress of my business to everyone through notes. Thank you for your continued support.

代表 森川 慎也 Shinya Morikawa
