
From Medals to Melodies: Unraveling Ryuichi Sakamoto's Musical Equations

There is a remarkable event called the International Math Olympiad (IMO). It's an enchanting annual gathering where students from high schools, middle schools, elementary schools, and even younger children from around the globe convene to tackle intriguing math problems within a limited timeframe. If they achieve certain results, participants are awarded gold medals, making it a truly remarkable occasion.

When I delve into the music compositions of Ryuichi Sakamoto, it feels as if I am unraveling each and every one of the esteemed problems from the IMO. Not YMO, mind you. While math problems usually have only one correct answer, there are numerous ways to arrive at it. Some students solve them diligently, while others devise solutions that leave you wondering where they originated. To me, Ryuichi's compositions resemble a collection of such mathematical problems. I often find myself discovering solution methods that the creator of the problem seems to have overlooked, and I proudly document them on my blog as if they were answer sheets, thinking, "Look what I've discovered!" However, it's disheartening that only a few people comprehend or appreciate them, even when they read my explanations. Consequently, I end up disappointed every time.
