






Noah is the remarkable figure in the biblical book of Genesis flood story.
According to this story, God surveyed creation and become angry at humankind’s sine.
He regretted creating humans and resolved to destroy them all.
Before doing so, however, God notice Noah.

Noah was blameless and God decided to save him from creation destruction.
God told Noah that in seven days he would make it rain for forty days and forty nights, causing a great and terrible flood.
Noah was instructed to build an ark large enough to hold himself , his wife, his three sons and their wives, and a pair (one male and one female) of every kind of animale that existed.
In the way, Noah would be able to replenish the earth.

Noah followed God’s instructions, loading the animales and his family into the ark. 
After forty days, the rains ended, but the ground was still submerged.
In order to determine when the waters had receded, Noah opened a window and sent out a dove.

Finally, after 150 days at sea and another 100 grounded on Mount Ararat, the land was dry enough for Noah to being the replenishing process.
Noah emptied his ark, allowing the animals to mate. 
God then told Noah that he, too, should “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 8:17).
God also promised Noah that he would never again destroy humankind and symbolized this covenant with the appearance of a rainbow.

Christian and Jewish historians and theologians give a lightly different interpretations to the Noah story.
For Christians, Noah represents an ideal faith in God —— marked by trust and obedience and for which Noah and his family were saved.
For Jewish interpreters, Noah represents a reluctant faith marked by Noah being one of the last to enter the ark as a sign of reluctance.
This suggests his faith may not have been so strong.
Despite their differences, both traditions view Noah and the flood as critical expressions of the religious narratives.
