
海外の名著「The Mom Test」から学ぶ、顧客インタビューの極意 その①

最近ドハマりしている海外の名著「The Mom Test」。




そんな悩めるマーケティング担当を助けてくれるのが、「The Mom Test」。

「The Mom Test」のチャプター構成はこんな感じ。
1. The Mom Test
2. Avoiding bad data
3. Asking important questions
4. Keeping it casual
5. Commitment and advancement
6. Finding conversations
7. Choosing your customers
8. Running the process

本のタイトルでもある「The Mom Test(=ママへの調査)」とは、顧客インタビューにおいて絶対にやってはいけないこと。

そもそも「The Mom Test」とは何か?について説明があった後、顧客インタビューの中から良質な洞察を得るにあたって「イケてる質問」と「イケてない質問」について教えてくれます。


1. Do you think it's a good idea?
2. Would you buy a product which did X?
3. How much would you pay for X?
4. What would your dream product do?
5. Why do you bother?
6. What are the implications of that?
7. Talk me through the last time that happened.
8. Talk me through your workflow.
9. What else have you tried?
10. Would you pay X for a product which did Y?
11. How are you dealing with it now?
12. Where does the money come from?
13. Who else should I talk to?
14. Is there anything else I should have asked?

本日はちょっと力尽きたので、答えは次回の投稿「海外の名著「The Mom Test」から学ぶ、顧客インタビューの極意 その②」でシェアします!

写真の参照元:<a href='https://www.freepik.com/photos/people'>People photo created by bristekjegor - www.freepik.com</a>
