What Is a Meaning of the Death of Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe?

Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe passed away at the age of 67 after being shot in the City of Nara on 8th July 2022.

To prevent political activity by violence, for whatever reason, is nothing less than preventing statesperson from working freely. While Mr. Abe is the victim of a shooting, it is not only Mr. Abe who is actually affected, but all individuals involved in political activities.

In addition, the fact that he was shot and fell to his death in public is a catastrophe in Japan's constitutional history, and it is natural to express condolences for his death regardless of principle or party affiliation.

On the other hand, to regard Mr. Abe as a hero or deify him because of the death has nothing to do with the event itself. Nor does the accidental loss of life affect the evaluation of his performance in power.

Rather, it is prudent to be cautious about associating the death with reputation, as an easy attitude can make it difficult to see things for what they are.

Further, it is important for the police authorities to be open-minded and factual in their investigation of suspects. The media's interest in covering and reporting the story may deprive us of the opportunity to learn many things from the death of Former Prime Minister Abe.

In that sense, it is adequate attitude that we exercise reason in the sense of discriminating the necessary matters from various objects, and think and act from our own perspectives and standpoints regarding this event.

If the inner self emerges when we encounter the unexpected, we are called upon to understand that we are in such a situation and to look more carefully behind the events than ever before.

There is no shortage of lessons to be learnt from the recent incident involving the distress of Former Prime Minister Abe.


