
去る1月4日(火)、福井新聞電子版の記事「なぜ野球の4番バッターは「よばん」と呼ぶの? 子どもの疑問、呼び方の背景探る」に私の談話が紹介されました[1]。



[1]なぜ野球の4番バッターは「よばん」と呼ぶの? 子どもの疑問、呼び方の背景探る. 福井新聞, 2022年1月4日, https://www.fukuishimbun.co.jp/articles/-/1467443 (2022年1月8日閲覧).

<Executive Summary>

Announcement of Articles: Why Is the Fourth Batter Called in Japanese not "Yomban" but "Yoban"? (Yusuke Suzumura)

A story entitled with "Why Is the Fourth Batter Called in Japanese not "Yomban" but "Yoban"?" is run on the Fukui Shimbun on 4th January 2022. In this articles I examined a reason calling the fourth batter as "Yoban" in Japanese based on a viewpoint of Japanese baseball history.
