
Five Images-In Nomine

編成/6人の奏者 (fl/afl, cl/bcl, vn, vc, perc, pf)
Syntax Ensembleの委嘱により、International Composition Competition The Breaking Music 2019(ミラノ/イタリア)本選のために作曲。
International Composition Competition The Breaking Music 2019 優勝。

Year of composition: 2018-19
Instrumentation: 6 musicians (fl/afl, cl/bcl, vn, vc, perc, pf)
Duration: approximately 11 minutes
Commissioned by Syntax Ensemble; for the final of International Composition Competition The Breaking Music 2019
Awarded 1st prize of International Composition Competition The Breaking Music 2019
score image ©︎ Edition Gravis Verlag GmbH


 私にとっての創作とは、さまざまな意味合いで離れたところに存在するいくつかの物事の関係性を図り、結びつけを行うこと、そこからひとつの形を見出すことだ。《Five Images-In Nomine》は、ルネサンス期の「イン・ノミネ」と、アンリ・ベルクソンの「イマージュ」という、時代も分野もまったく異なる二つの語から発想した。
 「イン・ノミネ」とは、16世紀から17世紀にかけて作曲された、単旋聖歌「なんじ聖三位一体に栄光あれ」(Gloria Tibi Trinitas)の一部分を定旋律とする、対位法的な器楽曲の名称である。《Five Images-In Nomine》は五つのちがった性格を持つ小品から成るが、各曲の骨格として、この定旋律を自由に扱っている。

Composer's note

 For me, creation is all about connecting several things that exist far from each other. Linked in my mind the Renaissance concept of In Nomine with the term “image” in Henri Bergson’s Matière et mémoire, this composition Five images-In Nomine was created.
 In Nomine was a title in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to a genre of instrumental composi-tions based on the Gregorian chant Gloria Tibi Trinitas. In Five images-In Nomine, Gloria Tibi Trinitas
is held very freely as a framework for each of the five pieces.
 Though the term “image,” which Henri Bergson means, is still challenging to understand, I have read Matière et mémoire and tried to find the nature of the “image.” Thinking about “image” must give me new perspectives to construct sounds as energy and time.



Performance & broadcast history
(As of 23 August 2022)

11 April 2019 - world premiere
Music Tomorrow - finale del concorso "Breaking Music"
Teatro Dal Verme, Via San Giovanni sul Muro, 2, 20121, Milano, Italy
Syntax Ensemble
Maruta Staravaitova, flute|Marco Ignoti, clarinet|Anna D’Errico, piano
Dario Savron, percussions|Francesco D’Orazio, violin
Michele Marco Rossi, cello|Pasquale Corrado, conductor

28 March 2022 - Austrian premiere
Wiener Konzerthaus, Berio-Saal, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Wien, Austria
ensemble XX. jahrhundert
Peter Burwik, conductor

[broadcast] 28 June 2022, via Ö1
ORF ZEIT-TON - Blick über den musikalischen Tellerrand<br />
Standorte. Ein internationaler Konzertabend mit dem ensemble XXI. Jahrhundert
ensemble XX. jahrhundert
Peter Burwik, conductor
Gestaltung: Astrid Schwarz
