
Quarantine Diary 9/17/20





♡の中に i と I が!


Day 183. New moon. 
His work shift will be little earlier started from today, so that he can come home early and beats the traffic. It's funny how hard it is to wake up at 6:10, even though we wake up 5am for the beach. 
I guess it is cuddle season. 

After he left, I went for a run.
And the I announced this new service offering a session where people just come virtually to my place and talk anything they want. I won't give any advice, or it's not counseling, but I feel people need to help each other more. I need support too.
Overall, I had a good reaction on Twitter, and it was a big relief. I was worried to admit that I have this ability which is mostly listening and reading. For people's truth. I can see what they REALLY want. I just can. Just like reading a book. It somehow scares me, so I was always joking that I am a witch, but really, I better use this ability. And also, soon everyone will be able to use similar thing. Everyone. I just wake up early, so I want to tell "it's ok" to those who are feeling something but scared.

I was still nervous so I did the usual housework which helped me grounded. 

Had a work meeting at noon. There was another problem, but the solution came through my mouth, not brain. Thank you, again.

Started making miso soup for dinner early. While working another project. Oh, I really really like those work!

The landlady's daughter gave us her drawing!
Her mom and her, and us, maybe?
So cute!

LOVE, Yuko

zineの制作やその他いろいろな表現、発信のために使わせていただきます。 自由な気持ちでこの世界を楽しんでいます。 ゆうこの庭に遊びにきていただければ嬉しいです!