
January 23rd, 2021

I went to my studio at 7:30 am in order to take an online training before working.

My trainer Tomoko san is not only a trainer but also a physiotherapist. 
The training with her can help me to learn new things.
Besides, it's fun for me.
I am not good at waking up early morning.
However, I could get up at 5:30 am this morning because of taking the training. 
Although it was very cold today, I got very warm after the training.
Also, it was so fun today.

ぜひサポートしてください。 まだまだ日本では馴染みの薄いジャイロトニック®︎、ジャイロキネシス®︎を通じて、楽しくすこやかに生きる人たちのサポートをできるように使わせていただきます。