
January 12th, 2021

I went to a restaurant near the studio that I take the training course.
The restaurant serves French cuisine and two kinds of curry rice.
Most of the lunch menus have meat. I don't eat meat, so I have to choose only one dish...grilled swordfish with vegetables.
It was so tasty. I am happy to have a lot of vegetables.

However, I prepared swordfish for my dinner.
I had to have swordfish not only for my lunch but also for my dinner


I grilled swordfish with cheese. 
I like swordfish, but I don't eat it tomorrow.

ぜひサポートしてください。 まだまだ日本では馴染みの薄いジャイロトニック®︎、ジャイロキネシス®︎を通じて、楽しくすこやかに生きる人たちのサポートをできるように使わせていただきます。