

■Different between “The truth” and “A truth”
※English available bottom of the page.


英語で書くと「The truth = 真実・事実」&「A truth=仮説・幻想」、要するにあなたが普段共有していることは事実に基づいていることなのか、または自分で作り上げたストーリー(幻想)なのか?そう、根拠があるのか?という事です。ただし、あんまり頭硬く考えなくてよいですよ。


今年のお正月から約1週間、オランダ人でサッカーコーチをコーディネートする方の通訳をさせてもらいました。サッカー界では知っている方もいると思われますが「WFA(World Football Academy)」、オランダの代表や韓国代表、世界各国のコーチや選手をコーディネートしてきた方です。参加者は日本代表コーチやJリーグ、世界では超有名なクラブチームのコーチ・関係者も参加します。その方と講義中も、ミーティングでも主に3つのトピックについて語り合いました、その一つがThe truth & A truthの違いです。

特に、多くの”専門家”に伝えたいことです。「Are you talking your story based on THE Truth? or A Truth?」これは大きな、非常に大きな違いです!



今一度、自分よがりの理論ばかりを振りかざさずに、それを棚に上げてYouTubeで配信せずに、The truthを共有し、みんなと有益な物事を分かち合いませんか?



Those who notice it, those who understand well the life.

“The truth# is the fact, and "A truth” is a hypothesis or an illusion. In what you are based on, there are always two ways, your sharing your story based on facts, or your only experiences.

The beginning of 2020, I had a chance working as an interpreter with Raymond’s football academy annual classes in Japan. He has been working in football industry for many years, mainly coaching the coaches including world top club, national team and so on. The Dutch national team, the Korean national team, and coaches and players from all over the world are his fan.

On and off the lectures, we’ve shared much about 3 main things, one of them are “The truth & A truth.”

In particularly, I would like to share with many experts on what you do and how you do...
"Are you talking your story based on THE Truth? or A Truth?" This is a HUGE difference.

For example, let me refer to his example.
◦When I go to the supermarket, it is just starting to rain...The next day I go to the supermarket again, and it is raining again. And following the next day...raining again. In this case, my phenomenon has become a "pattern" in me, which creates “a fact" in me, too. However, how many people would be witnessing the same pattern? Yes, the fact that I am the only one is my own, not the same for everyone. Therefore, I will say “my fact is an illusion/hypothesis". Apply this to your everyday conversation and profession...Are you telling the facts? Or are you referring your own fantasy? Is there a basis of what?

The theory that everyone does not have the same answer is your own speculation. Those who think that way, it is extremely dangerous. In particular, it's the same for "professional" trainers, healers, doctors, athletes, business owners, lawyers and so on.

Once again, let's share “The Truth” and share useful information for the world, without turning all over your own theory of selfishness.

I wish it will be a chance to think about what your words came from.

