
残り10日 今日のルーティン(習慣、作業)

English version can be found below..
✅モーニングルーティン(4時起床>☕>ベッドメイク>体重測定>ビジョンボード・目標・セルフイメージ眺める>英語音読30分(アファメーション、ブログ記事)>修行2時間>オーディオブック聞きながら散歩1時間>☕>みんチャレ投稿 >9時仕事開始)
✅一日600カロリー以上燃焼(Apple WatchのMoveリングを閉じる)
Twitter x 2投稿 
FaceBook x 1投稿 
Note x 1投稿
TikTok x 1投稿
Instagram x 1投稿 
Tumblr  x 1投稿 
✅YouTube 「死ぬ間際3つの後悔!働きすぎた編」のPRをしました

Have a great day!

今年中に登録者100人到達しなければチャンネルを閉店ガラガラするチャレンジを実行中 やばいっす、、、

是非あなたの清き一票を↓ UZIが感謝感激になります。

▶YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCEc3ARJ7-viDMmD175Dhs5Q
▶Instagram: instagram.com/youtube_lifecoach_uzi
▶TikTok: tiktok.com/@youtuber_uzi
▶Facebook: facebook.com/YouTube-Life-Coach-Uzi-100136708357452/
▶Note: note.com/kimokimoossan
▶Twitter: twitter.com/youtuber_uzi

座右の銘は「凹んで大きくなれ 凹むのはあなたが大きくなるチャンス」です。

10 days to go. Today's Activities (Routines, Habits and Tasks)

✅Morning routine (Wake up at 4 am> Bed Making > ☕ > Scale me> Look at vision board/goals/self-image> Reading English book aloud for 30 min (Affirmation, A blog post)> Self-development Training for 2 hours> Take a walk with listening audiobook for 1 hour  > ☕ > Start working @9 AM)

++++Below are from 9AM yesterday until now++++
✅Half-day fasting (No food except coffee and water for 15 hours)
✅Burn over 600 calories a day (Close the Move ring on my Apple Watch)
✅Walk more than 8,000 steps
✅Boost my luck (One good thing a day, Contribution for others, Donation, Gratitude, Cleaning)
Twitter x 1 post
FaceBook x 1 post
Note x 2 post
TikTok x 1 post
Instagram x 1 post
Tumblr  x 1 post

Good morning, sir.
In winter, the roots
are going deep downwards
to have a big flower in the spring
I just have to take it one step at a time
We can't build a great house without a base.
A sham house with a weak base will collapse quickly.
I'm starting to get excited and want to do many things, but
If I jump in unprepared, it's going to upset the balance of my life.
I need to put a lot of pressure on the bottom like a spring to fly high.
So I have to make a hypothesis and simulate any situations carefully
Just when you think you can go, you jump high and above.
Now, in silence, I simply repeat my daily habits.
To break through the walls above me.
Have a great day!
Thank you✌

+++Who is Uzi? ++++++++++++++++
I am a YouTube Life Coach - Uzi who works for the government sector as an IT.  My goal is to have 100 subscribers until the end of this year. If I cannot achieve the goal, the YouTube channel will be closed down. So please hit the subscription button and support me. So that Uzi will appreciate you.

My SNSs:
▶YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCEc3ARJ7-viDMmD175Dhs5Q
▶Instagram: instagram.com/youtube_lifecoach_uzi
▶TikTok: tiktok.com/@youtuber_uzi
▶Facebook: facebook.com/YouTube-Life-Coach-Uzi-100136708357452/
▶Note (Blog): note.com/kimokimoossan
▶Twitter: twitter.com/youtuber_uzi 

My Motto: "Be down to be up! Being down is an opportunity for you to improve!!"

I love to take any challenges that excite me, even if I am not good at them.
As you can see from my YouTube channel, I am not good at speaking English for YouTube. But I am OK to show my damn as I can only improve from there.

I'll be sharing ideas and life-hacks regularly that I wish I'd known earlier. Hopefully, you like them.

#インスタ , #モーニングルーティン , #朝活 , #英語 , #ユーチューバー , #TikTok , #MorningRoutines , #YouTuber , #HalfDayFasting , #Affirmation
