
「つながり」を読み解く英文読解(7)~同一表現の繰り返しを避けながらつながりを作る仕組み⑤ 【練習問題】~



▼次の英文の太字 a skinny young boy を示す語句を本文中から全て指摘しなさい。
    There was a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart. Practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. But being half the size of the other boys, he got absolutely nowhere. At all the games this hopeful athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played. This teenager lived alone with his father, and the two of them had a very special relationship. Even though the son was always on the bench, his father was always in the stands cheering.
(英文は2011年度白百合女子大学[2/2実施]より抜粋 )
James Collins, Tears in My Heart, 2007, pp.21-22)
□ skinny やせ細った
□ with all one’s heart 全身全霊で
□ eagerly 熱心に
□ get nowhere 進歩しない,成功しない
□ absolutely 絶対的に
□ hopeful 有望な
□ on the bench ベンチ入りして
□ stand 観客席
□ cheer 応援する


〈解答〉以下の太字の部分がa skinny young boy を示す語句です。
    There was a skinny young boy who[関係代名詞] loved football with all his[人称代名詞] heart. Practice after practice, he[人称代名詞] eagerly gave everything he[人称代名詞] had. But being half the size of the other boys, he[人称代名詞] got absolutely nowhere. At all the games this hopeful athlete[this + 名詞による言い換え] sat on the bench and hardly ever played. This teenager[this + 名詞による言い換え] lived alone with his[人称代名詞] father, and the two of them had a very special relationship. Even though the son[the + 名詞による言い換え] was always on the bench, his[人称代名詞] father was always in the stands cheering.


▼次の英文の太字部分 Languageを示す語句を全て指摘し,さらにLanguageと内容的に関連性が高い語句(関連語)を全て指摘しなさい。
    Language is so tightly woven into human experience that it is scarcely possible to imagine life without it. Chances are that if you find two or more people together anywhere on earth, they will soon be exchanging words. When there is no one to talk with, people talk to themselves, to their dogs, even to their plants. In our social relations, the race is not to the swift but to the verbal ― the spellbinding orator*, the silver-tongued seducer, the persuasive child who wins the battle of wills against a brawnier* parent. Aphasia, the loss of language following brain injury, is devastating, and in severe cases family members may feel that the whole person is lost forever.
(注) orator:演説者,雄弁家 brawny:屈強な
Steven Pinker, The Language Instinct: The New Science of Language and Mind, 1994
□ so … that S + V~ とても…なので~/~するほど…
□ tightly しっかりと,きつく
□ weave O into A OをAの中に編み込む
□ experience 経験
□ scarcely ほとんど…ない
□ imagine O Oを想像する
□ chances are that S + V… おそらく…
□ anywhere どこでも
□ exchange O Oをやり取りする,Oを交換する
□ social relation 社会的関係
□ the race is not to the swift 競争は速い者が勝つわけではない[ことわざ]
⇒ The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.(必ずしも速い者が競争に勝つのではなく,強い者が戦いに勝つのでもない。)(『旧約聖書』,コヘレトの言葉9:11)より。
□ not A but B AではなくB
□ the verbal 言葉の巧みな者
□ spellbinding 魔法にかける,魅了する
□ silver-tongued 説得力のある,雄弁な
□ seducer 誘惑者,女たらし
□ persuasive 口の達者な,説得力のある
□ win O Oに勝つ
□ battle of wills 意地の張り合い
□ against A Aに反発して
□ aphasia 失語症
□ following A Aの後
□ brain injury 脳の損傷
□ devastating ひどい,衝撃的な
□ severe 深刻な
□ case 場合
□ whole 全体の
□ forever 永遠に


    Language is so tightly woven into human experience that it is scarcely possible to imagine life without it[人称代名詞]. Chances are that if you find two or more people together anywhere on earth, they will soon be exchanging words[関連語]. When there is no one to talk[関連語] with, people talk[関連語] to themselves, to their dogs, even to their plants. In our social relations, the race is not to the swift but to the verbal[関連語] ― the spellbinding orator[関連語], the silver-tongued[関連語] seducer, the persuasive[関連語] child who wins the battle of wills against a brawnier* parent. Aphasia[関連語], the loss of language following brain injury, is devastating, and in severe cases family members may feel that the whole person is lost forever.
⇒第1文でLanguageをitと言い換えた後,第2文以降では,words,talk,verbal,spellbinding,orator,silver-tongued,persuasive,Aphasiaという関連語を用いてつながりを生み出しています。また,最終文ではAphasiaの説明をするためにthe loss of languageと述べています。

▼ちなみに,【練習問題2】の著者・スティーブン・ピンカー(Steven Arthur Pinker:1954年-)はカナダ出身のアメリカ合衆国の心理学者で,この文章は1994年に出された "The Language Instinct"(『言語を生みだす本能』(上)『言語を生み出す本能』(下),NHK出版)からの一節です。蜘蛛が綺麗な巣を張るのは本能によるものですが,それと同じように,人間の脳には言語を生み出す機能が生得的に備わっているのだ,という主張を行っています。ここ15年ほどの間にいくつかの大学で,この本を含むピンカーの複数の著作から英文が出題されているほか,英文の中でピンカーの思想に言及されているものも出題されています。
"The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature," Penguin Books, 2002
"The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century," Penguin Books, 2015

