
木はどれも一緒じゃないよ / ウッドショックによる国産材人気 / 信用ベースによる木材トレーサビリティ / 次世代木材産地判定技術の開発・世界へ発信







Traceability of lumber currently relies on a trust-based system. Everyone who handles wood is aware that this has led to false place of origin labeling and illegal logging, but because it is so unmanageable, the end result is that all wood is treated in a cavalier manner, assuming that all wood is the same.

I imagine that the popularity of domestic lumber, which started with the wood shock, will probably lead to more and more companies trying to use the place-of-origin label as a differentiator in the future.

Although Hida Takayama has a large forest area, there are many timbers from other prefectures on display at the Hida timber market, and it is very doubtful that the place of origin will be clearly indicated in the future.

For more than 10 years, we have been making furniture by honestly purchasing only wood from the Hida Takayama area, but now, if you look around, you will see more and more furniture made with wood from Hida Takayama. From my experience of walking around forestry cooperatives and lumber markets and purchasing logs, I have come to wonder if that many trees are being cut out of the ground.

The technology we are currently working on with NICT to determine the wood production area is only an initial experiment, but we can see its potential. We are thinking of introducing a large number of samples and advancing the machine learning, but we need funds. We have been looking for a partner for some time. We also approached the Forestry Agency, but they were not interested at all, saying that there was no problem with the current management.

We had half given up when NICT contacted us and informed us that there are people who are aware of the issue of wood traceability. It looks like we can have a meeting soon. If possible, we would like to introduce this technology to the world from here in Japan.
