



図1 むだ時間のあるシステムのフィードバック制御


図2 ナイキスト線図(安定)
図3 ステップ応答(安定)


図4 ナイキスト線図(不安定)
図5 ステップ応答(不安定)


図6 ナイキスト線図(ゲインを下げる)
図7 ステップ応答(ゲインを下げる)


図8 ナイキスト線図(時定数を大きくする)
図7 ステップ応答(時定数を大きくする)




#ラプラス変換の定義 Definition of Laplacevariables
s := 's';

#一次遅れ+むだ時間の伝達関数の定義 Definition of transfer function od first order lag & dead time
G := (K, tau, L) -> K*exp(-L*s)/(tau*s + 1);

#周波数範囲の定義 Frequency Range Definition
omega := 10^(-3) .. 10^2;

#周波数変数の定義 Frequency variables definition
w := 'w';

ReG := (K, tau, L) -> Re(eval(G(K, tau, L), s = w*I));
ImG := (K, tau, L) -> Im(eval(G(K, tau, L), s = w*I));

nyquist_plot := proc(K, tau, L) return plots:-complexplot(ReG(K, tau, L) + ImG(K, tau, L)*I, w = omega, scaling = constrained, title = "Nyquist Plot", labels = ["Re", "Im"], color = blue); end proc;
   return plots:-complexplot(ReG(K, tau, L) + ImG(K, tau, L)*I, w = omega, scaling = constrained, title = "Nyquist Plot", labels = ["Re", "Im"], color = blue)
end proc:

Explore(nyquist_plot(K, tau, L), parameters = [K = 1.0 .. 2.0, tau = 0.1 .. 2, L = 0.1 .. 1.0]);




sysL := L -> TransferFunction(pade(exp(-L*s), s, [3, 3]));
sysP := (K, tau) -> TransferFunction(K/(tau*s + 1));

#直列結合 Series Connect
sysTmp := (K, tau, L) -> SystemConnect(sysP(K, tau), sysL(L), connection = serial);

#フィードバック結合 Feedback Connect
sysAll := (K, tau, L) -> SystemConnect(sysTmp(K, tau, L), 1, connection = negativefeedback);

Explore(ResponsePlot(sysAll(K, tau, L), Step(), duration = 20, gridlines), parameters = [K = 1.0 .. 2.0, tau = 0.1 .. 2, L = 0.1 .. 1.0]);


In this article, we will look at the behavior of a system when feedback control is applied to a system with dead time, using Nyquist diagrams, and see the relationship between the Nyquist diagram results and step response. In looking at this article, I will assume that you have read or understand the Nyquist diagram article and the step response article in Maple beforehand.

The system considered in this article is shown in Figure 1. The output of the plant model with a first-order delay is fed back and the difference from the target value is multiplied by a gain K and input to the plant. However, the system includes a dead time L[s] between the output of the gain and the input to the plant. The response of the system varies with the gain K, the dead time L, and the time constant τ of the first-order delay. Let us now look at the system response.

Figure 1. Feedback control system with dead time

Figure 2 shows the Nyquist diagram with gain K = 2, time constant τ = 0.1, and dead time L = 0.1. The Nyquist diagram is stable because it runs to the right of “-1” on the real axis. The step response is shown in Figure 3, and although it oscillates, it is convergent. However, even with such a simple system, just a little dead time can cause a lot of vibration. If you don't think carefully about how to deal with dead time at the actual design, you will be in big trouble if a problem occurs after the product goes on the market. Make sure to consider this carefully!

Figure 2. Nyquist diagram (stable)
Figure 3 Step response (stable)

Next, as the dead time L is gradually increased, the Nyquist diagram becomes left of “-1” on the real axis ( Figure 4 ). In this case, the Nyquist stability discriminant becomes unstable. The step response at this time is shown in Figure 5, and you can see that it has diverged. The system response has diverged even though the dead time has only increased by less than 0.05[s].

Figure 4. Nyquist diagram (unstable)
Figure 5. Step response (unstable)

So now, the gain is reduced until the Nyquist diagram is to the right of “-1” on the real axis (Figure 6). Then the system will converge as shown in the step response in Figure 7. A closed-loop system becomes unstable as the dead time increases, but it can be stabilized by lowering the gain. Well, lowering the gain is a simple and often done measure, whether you know it or not, but there are many other ways to achieve the desired response characteristics, so it is a good idea to try various methods. Incidentally, as the gain is lowered further, the oscillation in the step response will also decrease.

Figure 6. Nyquist diagram (Reduce gain)
Figure 7. Step Response (Reduce Gain)

Now, although the gain was lowered earlier, the Nyquist diagram can also be made to be to the right of “-1” on the real axis by increasing the time constant of the system ( Figure 8). The step response is also converging ( Figure 9). I see this measure quite often. It is a rough trick to slow down the movement of the plant side because the control cannot stabilize it well. This is not a good approach, and should be avoided as much as possible.

Figure 8. Nyquist diagram ( Increase the time constant)
Figure 7. Step response ( Increase the time constant)

How to draw a Nyquist diagram of a system including dead time in Maple

In the previous article on Nyquist diagrams, the Nyquist diagram was drawn with a single command, but for systems with dead time, it is necessary to write a program that follows the same procedure as when drawing Nyquist diagrams by hand, as shown below. I have also added comments on the program, so if you are interested, please take a look at the contents.


# Definition of Laplacevariables
s := 's';

# Definition of transfer function od first order lag & dead time
G := (K, tau, L) -> K*exp(-L*s)/(tau*s + 1);

# Frequency Range Definition
omega := 10^(-3) .. 10^2;

# Frequency variables definition
w := 'w';

ReG := (K, tau, L) -> Re(eval(G(K, tau, L), s = w*I));
ImG := (K, tau, L) -> Im(eval(G(K, tau, L), s = w*I));

nyquist_plot := proc(K, tau, L) return plots:-complexplot(ReG(K, tau, L) + ImG(K, tau, L)*I, w = omega, scaling = constrained, title = "Nyquist Plot", labels = ["Re", "Im"], color = blue); end proc;
   return plots:-complexplot(ReG(K, tau, L) + ImG(K, tau, L)*I, w = omega, scaling = constrained, title = "Nyquist Plot", labels = ["Re", "Im"], color = blue)
end proc:

Explore(nyquist_plot(K, tau, L), parameters = [K = 1.0 .. 2.0, tau = 0.1 .. 2, L = 0.1 .. 1.0]);

How to draw the step response of a system including dead time in Maple

The step response requires a further twist than the Nyquist diagram. The であd time part is approximated by Pade's approximation, made into a rational transfer function, coupled to the plant model, and then coupled to the feedback coupling to form a whole system. The step response can then be displayed by using the step response command.
Please refer to the article “Padé Approximation of the Transfer Function of the Dead Time” for how to padé approximate and the article “How to Use SystemConnect” for how to connect the system.


sysL := L -> TransferFunction(pade(exp(-L*s), s, [3, 3]));
sysP := (K, tau) -> TransferFunction(K/(tau*s + 1));

# Series Connect
sysTmp := (K, tau, L) -> SystemConnect(sysP(K, tau), sysL(L), connection = serial);

# Feedback Connect
sysAll := (K, tau, L) -> SystemConnect(sysTmp(K, tau, L), 1, connection = negativefeedback);

Explore(ResponsePlot(sysAll(K, tau, L), Step(), duration = 20, gridlines), parameters = [K = 1.0 .. 2.0, tau = 0.1 .. 2, L = 0.1 .. 1.0]);


Created by Maple 2023.2
