

A visit to Disneyland is a magical time for everyone. And yet, some people have a different expectation about how they want to spend their magical time there. A few days ago, an online article went viral reporting an unfortunate date at Disneyland. 

According to the web page, a woman was disappointed to see her boyfriend to bring some rice balls as their own lunch, and she ended up blocking him on LINE and basically left him. This incident became highly controversial, highlighting pros and cons. The photo above exaggerate how stupid the man is to some extent, but this behaviour itself may not look absolutely horrible when we consider a few factors. 

First of all, bringing your own lunch to a date at Disneyland can be a great way to save money on food expenses while still enjoying a fun and unique experience with your date. When you bring your own lunch, you have the freedom to choose what you want to eat, which can be particularly beneficial if you have dietary restrictions. Additionally, if you're on a budget, bringing your own lunch can help you stick to it and enjoy the other activities or attractions at the park.

Another advantage of bringing your own lunch is that it can make for a unique and memorable experience. You can find a quiet spot in one of the park's picnic areas and enjoy a leisurely meal together. This can be a great way to take a break from the crowded park and spend some quality time together.

However, it's worth noting that Disneyland does have a wide variety of food options available, from classic theme park food like hot dogs and pretzels to more upscale dining options. Some people may prefer to try the park's offerings as part of the overall Disneyland experience. And also, some people may feel that they want to fully enjoy Disneyland, and don't want to carry a lunch box around the park. Bringing own lunch could make people feel less magical about their stay.

With these background being said, here are some conditions for you to consider for this debate topic:

  • We only consider cases of working adults

  • We only consider a date to Disneyland by a pair of a man and a woman

  • We assume that one of them is not informed about bringing own lunch in advance

Please feel free to add more conditions if you wish to.

The debate topic goes, "Is it a good choice to bring own lunch for a date at Disneyland?"

Before you start making your argument, please be careful to stick with the debate question. Some people may talk like, "They should talk about if they bring their own lunch before they go there", but this is not a point! Focus on the behaviour if bringing own lunch and only think if it is good or not. 

If you have any questions, please let me know!
