円覚寺 今月の詩 2023年7月
In only one character,
in only one sound, and
in only one single flower as well,
there exists the universe, considered as
a harmonious and orderly system―the cosmos.
Oh likewise, you be a man of the cosmos
someday in the course of time.
―Sakamura Shinmin, The Complete Poetic Works of Sakamura Shinmin, Volume 3
―English translation: Taka Sakai Takahiko
―English consultation: Paul Dargan
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総門のご朱印・お守り受付の奥に 管長揮毫の坂村真民さんの詩が掲げられています。ご来山の折にどうぞご覧ください。
To carry on living implies a having in mind
something as noble and exalted as humanity never to be lost.
Whatever a difficult predicament you may be caught in,
it is imperative that you keep on possessing warm tears full of affection toward anyone and everyone around you.
―Sakamura Shinmin
―English translation: Taka Sakai Takahiko
―English consultation: Paul Dargan