イギリス物件探し用 内見時の質問リスト(英文付き)
Is the bill all inclusive?家賃振り込みで払えるか
Can I pay the rent by bank transfer?ミニマムとノーティス期間
How long is the minimum stay and notice period?シャワーいつでも浴びれるか
Can I take a shower and hot water anytime?定期清掃入るか
Do you have a regular cleaning?ドアの立て付けが良いか
How do you manage shared things such as toilet paper?キッチン用品は共有か、自分で買う必要があるか
Are these kitchen utensils shared? Or should I buy my own things?洗濯機どれくらい使えるか
Can I use the washing machine anytime?暖房あるか
Do you have central heating? Can I use it anytime?WiFiあるか、速度確認
Do you have Wi-Fi? Can I check how fast it is?何人住んでるか?どんな人住んでるか?
How many people live in this house? Are they sociable or independent?友達呼べるか
Is it possible to I invite my friend sometimes ? For dinner or one night駐輪場
Is there any safe space to park my bicycle?大家だれか、近くにすんでるか
Who is a land load? Where does he/she live?
If something breaks, how do you manage it?