
Figma x Daily Cocoda!

On Fridays, the Design Team has a session set out weekly to explore, experiment, share skills, and ideas among ourselves. This session as we call it デザトレ (Dezatore - pronounced as day-zah-toe-ray) is a curt and catchy sounding vocabulary we created for デザイン・トレーニング (design training) ;)

In one of the recent sessions, our fellow designer A-san introduced Figma and Daily Cocoda! to us and we all tried our hands on them! If you're a UI/UX design noob like me, you may be wondering "What is Figma?", "What is Daily Cocoda?". 

In a nutshell, Figma is a cloud-based design tool, similar to Sketch, where you can design interfaces, prototype and collaborate in real-time with your team members. It has a pretty good interface and feels easy to use. Try it out for yourself here! The free basic plan is great enough to get you started!

As for Daily Cocoda!, it is a platform where design briefs are given on a daily basis (after you finish each project) and you can practice your design skills in UI designing. With each project, you can upload your designed work and at the same time, it helps you build your own portfolio as well, which is pretty awesome. If you're just starting out, no worries, they do provide references for you and you'll be able to see what others have done too, everyone is learning from each other, and perhaps that could help spark some ideas too. Check Daily Cocoda! out here! It's free as well!


Back to our Dezatore session! ☆彡
As a team, we have tried our hands on 2 projects so far!

Figma x Daily Cocoda! # 1
【001 Profile Page: Profile Page UI Design 】
Target Audience: Ladies in their early 20s
Concept: Stylish photo uploading app to upload / Social media platform/tool to upload stylish everyday photos.
Art Direction (Feel/Style): Pop, Cute
Apps for Reference: instagram, C CHANNEL, twitter



Figma x Daily Cocoda! # 4
【004 Search Page for a Cooking App 】
Target Audience: Parents who have growing children with a healthy appetite
Concept: Food app that recommends easy-to-make recipes using simple leftover ingredients from the fridge.
Art Direction (Feel/Style): Warm, Gentle/Approachable
Apps for Reference: タベリー(tabe.ly)、クックパッド(cookpad)、クラシル (kurashiru)



The first time I tried it on the spot with the team, I had no idea about the device templates nor if the sizes were accurate or not after much resizing  and clicking around ^^; At the time of sharing within the team, it was like this:


...let's just say it's obvious the size of an iPhoneX isn't this stumped (´▽`;) 
it was definitely a lot of fun though! Looking forward to doing it again! ☆
