
【Koyomi】 April 16, 2024

Seasonal food|Bonito (Katsuo)

Today, let's delve into the deeply rooted aspect of Japanese culinary culture focusing on "Bonito" (Katsuo). Bonito is divided into "Early Season Bonito" and "Late Season Bonito" based on the season, each with distinct characteristics.


Early Season Bonito (Spring Bonito)

The early season bonito, also known as "Hatsu-gatsuo" or "Agari-katsuo," is caught between March and May. These fish are characterized by firm flesh, less fat, and smaller size, making them easier to eat even for those who typically dislike fish. Their firm texture offers a delightful chewiness. Historically, early season bonito was so prized that there were sayings about going to great lengths to eat it, reflecting its status as a harbinger of good fortune.



Late Season Bonito (Autumn Bonito)

Caught between September and November, the late season bonito, or "Modori-gatsuo" and "Kudari-katsuo," have increased in size and fat content due to their diet. The fatty underbelly is often compared to the toro of tuna, earning them nicknames like "Fat Bonito" or "Toro Katsuo." Despite concerns about their higher fat content, which can be up to ten times that of early bonito, their high protein and low calorie nature make them a healthy choice.


