
【Koyomi】 May 25, 2024

Seasonal food|Biwa

Today, I felt the warmth of early summer as I saw the first harvest of biwa (loquats) in the market. It reminded me of the rich history and health benefits of this unique fruit.


The Prime Season for Biwa

In May, house-grown biwa reach their peak season, followed by the peak season for open-field cultivated biwa from late May to June. This time of year, you can enjoy the freshest and juiciest biwa available.



How to Enjoy Biwa at Its Best

To fully enjoy the flavor and aroma of biwa, avoid over-chilling the fruit. If you prefer cold biwa, chill them for just 1-2 hours before eating. Over-chilling can diminish their taste and fragrance.



The Historical and Medicinal Significance of Biwa

Despite the old superstition that planting a biwa tree in your garden brings bad luck, biwa has been highly valued for its nutritional and medicinal properties. In ancient China, biwa leaves were sought after for their healing properties, believed to have antibacterial and analgesic effects. The leaves were used to treat wounds, burns, skin inflammation, acne, and even athlete's foot. Applying biwa leaf extract several times a day was thought to reduce itching and swelling.


