
【Koyomi】March 23, 2024

Learn to make soba noodles|My first time with 700g

I've only been practicing soba noodle making about 10 times, but every time brings new discoveries. I started with 200g, then increased my challenge to 500g. Today, I took a further step and tried my hand at 700g.


Whether it's 200g or 700g, the basic process of making soba noodles doesn't change. However, there are several points I particularly paid attention to when handling 700g of soba flour, which I'd like to share with you.


### Kneading

With 700g, it was necessary to really put my weight into the kneading process. I positioned my feet a little behind the base of the kneading board, moving back and forth to ensure I didn't rely solely on force.

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### Shaping

This step took me a considerable amount of time. I was still unsure how big I should shape the dough, thinking, "Is this good enough?" or "Should I do it a little more?" Due to this indecision, it took longer than expected, and the shape wasn't perfect.

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### Rolling Out

When dealing with 700g of dough, it spreads out to about 80×60cm in size and needs to be rolled out to a uniform thickness of approximately 1.5mm. Handling this delicate dough without tearing it requires a considerable amount of courage and skill. However, what's most crucial in this process isn't bravery but the knack that comes with experience and familiarity. I've realized that mastering this skill is key to success.

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