
【Koyomi】 May 19, 2024

Today, we completed planting taro. This year, we planted a variety called Akame, also known as Celebes.


What is Celebes Taro?

Celebes taro, also known as Akame, originates from Celebes Island (now Sulawesi Island) in Indonesia. This variety is named after the island from which it was introduced. One of the distinguishing features of Celebes taro is its reddish surface, which has earned it names like "Akame Daikichi" and "Akame Imo."



Differences Between Celebes Taro and Regular Taro

While Celebes taro is a type of taro, there are several differences. For example, regular taro has a dark brown surface, while Celebes taro has a reddish hue. Regular taro is slimy when peeled, making it somewhat tricky to handle, whereas Celebes taro has less slime, making it easier to prepare. Additionally, regular taro becomes sticky when cooked, whereas Celebes taro has a fluffy texture, making it more palatable for many people.



Tips for Planting and Cooking Celebes Taro

When planting Celebes taro, ensure it is placed in well-drained soil and receives plenty of sunlight. This variety can grow well in warm climates. When cooking, take advantage of its unique texture by using it in dishes where a fluffy consistency is desired. It can be boiled, steamed, or added to stews and soups without losing its shape.


