
(一言ジャーナリング風味チャレンジ0--)2019.12.22 軽量 (One-word journaling flavor challenge 0--) 2019.12.22 Lightweight


From today, we enter a new stage. Specifically, it is like starting to study English again. I studied at a personal school one year ago and my toeic score, which was about 400 points, increased by about 250 points, but at the end of the year I was busy working, I could not afford mentally, and eventually I got frustrated .
I was doing a lot of waste, but I didn't speak English on my first overseas trip and suffered because I wanted to be able to speak.
Right now, my vision is to connect Japan with other countries, and Tokyo with local areas, and to do my joy through initiatives, information and storytelling.
Although it is still abstract, foreign languages ​​and writing, appropriate illustrations and design, web, still studying, but video editing (gopro, etc) seems to be useful. Conversely, my current job, such as dealing with monster Kramer, negative organizational management, and piles of clerical work, are completely out of my direction.
I want to gain experience that will lead to the future.
photo: Shrimp is delicious. And vegetable soup with 16 grains of brown rice.
