

my name’s oli
and i’m an addict

Bring Me The Horizon『n/A』


今回はBring Me The Horizonのアルバム『POST HUMAN: NeX GEn』より、『n/A』について。


my name’s oli
and i’m an addict
i’m here cos i’m not quite all there
cos what used to be my idea of a laugh is
now just me checking my pulse
in my underwear

thinking i should drop dead
eat shit
go to hell
i could jump
head first out the window
dark thoughts
keep on filling up in my mind, oh oh
kinda wanna get fucked
make love to a chainsaw
wrap my
droptop round a lamp post
not sure
i’ll be coming back down this time

hello oli you fucking knobhead
did you think you had us fooled?
and baby i know that i
told you i was out of the woods
but i still left a key under the mat for the wolves

so maybe i should drop dead
eat shit
go to hell
i could jump
head first out the window
dark thoughts
keep on filling up in my mind
kinda wanna get fucked
make love to a chainsaw
wrap my
droptop round a lamp post
not sure
i’ll be coming back down this time

fuck it
got out on good behaviour
i’m sorry kid but i can’t be your
i don’t know what you expected

so maybe i should drop dead
eat shit
go to hell
i could jump
head first out the window
dark thoughts
keep on filling up in my mind
kinda wanna get fucked
make love to a chainsaw
wrap my
droptop round a lamp post
not sure
i’ll be coming back down this time

cos i’m fucking losing it
get a grip
ignored all the signs
the voices in my head
keep telling me i’m fine

out of luck
what the fuck?
what am i gonna do?
where did it go wrong?

Bring Me The Horizon『n/A』

『n/A』はアルバム『POST HUMAN: NeX GEn』の9曲目。
アルバム後半に差し掛かる楽曲となっていますが、これまでのBring Me The Horizonの曲とは異色を放つ楽曲となっています。


こんな感じで、短いですがBring Me The Horizonの『n/A』の紹介でした。
これまた異色を放つBring Me The Horizonらしからぬ楽曲ですが、個人的にはかなり好みな曲でしたね。

