
WOVN English Articles

All articles in English are available here.


All about the 2022 kick-off meeting from the management side, and why we decided to hold it in person

In January, we held our yearly kick-off meeting at a rental meeting space in Tokyo Station. There were pros and cons to even holding this event. We’d like to share all about the experience from the management side. Redefining new workstyl

We asked Mr. Hayashi about the values at WOVN.

We interviewed Mr. Hayashi, asking about WOVN’s worldview about its mission, vision, and values and about how they came to be. Create a world where all people can access all data in their native language - What led you to aim for this wor

Day 2: The expectations that investors have for WOVN ~ Becoming a trillion-yen company with a must-have infrastructure service

At WOVN Investor Day, investors talk openly about how they view WOVN. Following Day 1, we invited two more guests for Day 2: Mr. Mochida of Tybourne Capital Management (Tybourne), who we welcomed as a new investor in July 2021, and Ms. Seki

Day 1: How investors view WOVN’s growth ~ From a service that no one could pronounce to raising 3.6 billion yen in funds ~

A WOVN Investor Day was held in September 2021. At this discussion-type event, investors talked openly about how they viewed WOVN from their position as supporters of the company. Day 1 and Day 2 featured different guests. The guests we in

WOVN’s ESG project has finally kicked off. So, what’s it all about?

At WOVN, we’ve launched a new ESG project made up of volunteer members.In this first report, we’ll explain about the project and discuss how the kick-off meeting with MPower went. WOVN is going to implement ESG-minded business strategiesAt