
WOVN English Articles

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Day 2: The expectations that investors have for WOVN ~ Becoming a trillion-yen company with a must-have infrastructure service

At WOVN Investor Day, investors talk openly about how they view WOVN. Following Day 1, we invited two more guests for Day 2: Mr. Mochida of Tybourne Capital Management (Tybourne), who we welcomed as a new investor in July 2021, and Ms. Seki

Day 1: How investors view WOVN’s growth ~ From a service that no one could pronounce to raising 3.6 billion yen in funds ~

A WOVN Investor Day was held in September 2021. At this discussion-type event, investors talked openly about how they viewed WOVN from their position as supporters of the company. Day 1 and Day 2 featured different guests. The guests we in