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It is not only the elderly with a white head, but also the young and capable people who dare to say, and actually do, that they are committed to civilized principles in all things, both tangible and intangible, but who, when it comes to relations between the sexes, take advantage of the perversity of the old Confucian school to avoid the sin of indecent adultery. They may be scholars and monarchs of the civilized world who hide under the sleeves of Confucianism and are protected by Confucianism, and yet they are the ones who try to deceive and cheat the civilized world. We can only pity them. It is very strange that some of those who hold to the Confucian theory of Confucianism would even attempt to oppose it by making up their own theories. I have no place to pursue this matter with a single stroke of my brush, even if I am dealing with people all over the world. The critiques of the old Women's College and the new theories of the New Women's College are all intended for the benefit of Japanese women, and are intended to help them overcome the depression that has plagued their homes for a hundred thousand years, and to help them to stand on a level playing field in society through their self-respect and self-esteem. If you have any doubts, please do not make any mistake by explaining the meaning to them. From ancient times to this day, the love of parents is one and the same, regardless of whether the child is a boy or a girl, a brother or a brother, a sister or a sister, the love for this child is the same and cannot differ by a hair of a rabbit. If, then, you are thinking about the fate of this child whom you love so much, and you are calculating in your heart which of your brothers and sisters will be able to do something good and which will not, and if it turns out that this child will not, how much pain will the parents feel? Needless to say, the child's physical and mental weakness, the disabilities of the limbs, ears, and eyes, not to mention a single tooth, a single birthmark, is a constant worry for the parents, day and night. The more foolish a child is, the more lovable he or she is, and the more pitiful a single wheel is, the more pitiful he or she is. Therefore, the fact that parents love their children, regardless of whether they are male or female, and that there is no partiality even at the beginning, is the true and genuine parental love. Having a daughter marry into another person's family, there is worry about the mood of the family in Alexandria, and the relationship between the elder brother, the younger brother, the younger sister, the older brother, the older sister, and the older sister's relatives is also troublesome. If he is kind to his wife and treats her well, he may have good luck, but if he ignores his wife and acts like a maniac, he may end up having a public concubine and bringing her into the family, acting out the Chinese way of a family with many wives and concubines, then there is nothing you can do. If you follow the prevailing sentiment, you will have no other choice but to remain silent and surrender to the frenzy, or else you will be forced to withdraw from the family and leave it yourself. Marrying a daughter is just like buying a lottery ticket. Whether you win or not, luck is in the heavens. Depending on the husband's mind, there is a paradise and a hell, and suffering, joy, and sorrow are all toys in the hands of men. It is not in the natural state of mind of parents and children to be concerned about the fate of a girl who is insecure, and therefore to take measures to ensure her safety and survival. This is why civilized education is so important for girls. It is the duty of parents who love their children to know who they are, to weigh them against men, to make clear the principle of equality between men and women, and to help them to have a deep sense of their own rights so that they will not be shaken by their own self-respect and self-respect. In the last sentence of the old women's college, it is said that paying one million yen to marry a girl is not as good as paying 100,000 yen to teach a child, and I respect this, but I go one step further and recommend that a considerable amount of money be distributed in addition to all preparations for a daughter's marriage. If a family is unable to make a living, then, if they do not have the means, they should give up their daughter to be married to someone else, but if something should happen to them, they should be given basic assets so that they can be self-supporting without having to worry about others, so that they can have peace of mind for the rest of their lives. The ancient teaching of the three obediences of women is that they should follow their parents when they are young, their husbands when they are married, and their children when they are old, There are no examples of people who suffer from the lack of control in all things. When a husband's greed is unkind, and even the ashes beneath the stove are his own, and he is unmanned, no matter how obedient a woman may be, she cannot help but be troubled. At this time, a woman's resources are strong, and it is easy for her to gradually make a plan to commit a crime. Even if it does not go to this extreme, if a woman is prepared to be self-reliant, there is little to ask of her husband, and there is no complaint of not getting what one asks for, even if the words may come across as sarcastic or perverse. There is an old saying, “When you have enough food and clothing, you will be able to afford to be polite and respectful. If a woman lacks resources, it is as if she does not have enough food and clothing. When parents share their property with their children, they should know that it is a way to provide their beloved daughter with food and clothing, and to let her know the courtesy of husband and wife. However, even if you give property to a woman, if you do not know how to handle it yourself, you may have tens of millions of dollars, but you will have nothing. If you already have it, you must plan for its safety, devise its use, be aware of the world's circumstances, listen to what others have to say, and do not be delusional, but do not doubt. There are many women of good family in Western countries who are not vague about this matter. This is something that should not be neglected.

End of New Women's College
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The article on the left is an account of Dr. Fukuzawa's intimate conversation with the Jijishinpo newspaper on April 14 of this year, during the publication of the Women's College Review and New Women's College. The circumstances that led to the publication of this book are well known, and are therefore attached hereto as an appendix. September, 1899. Jiji Shimpo Editor


巊の䞀篇の蚘事は、女倧孊評論䞊に新女倧孊を時事新報に掲茉䞭、犏沢先生の芪しく物語られたる次第を、本幎四月十四日の新報に蚘したるものなり。本著発衚の由瞁を知るに足るべきを以お茲に附蚘するこずゝせり。 明治䞉十二幎九月 時事新報蚘者 識

犏柀諭吉. 1899/2000.「女倧孊評論・新女倧孊」. 林望監修. 講談瀟孊術文庫. 講談瀟. P118-124
「犏柀諭吉党集 第六巻」. 1959. 岩波曞店
「時事新報」1899から連茉. 時事新報瀟
青空文庫. 2006. 犏柀諭吉「女倧孊評論・新女倧孊」.
< https://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000296/files/43064_24679.html>. Accessed on June 26th , 2024.
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