
📚「女大学評論・新女大学」福沢諭吉、解説1.講談社. p124


福澤諭吉の女性論が出版されるに至った経緯について  1899年9月  時事新報記者









On the publication of Dr. Fukuzawa's essay on women's studies, September, 1899 Jiji Shimpo Editor

 Reported on yesterday's Jijishinpo was the fifth installment of Dr. Fukuzawa's criticism on women's studies, which has been appearing in the Jijishinpo. As I wrote in the preface, the origin of this essay was not an overnight idea, but rather, it was born from an innate thought, and it is not without reason that I decided to write it last year and make it public. Since I first went to Edo in the age of twenty-five, I have occasionally perused the works of Mr. Kaibara's women's university, and have written many of my own brief reviews of the books. The general mood of the society at that time was not at ease, as if people were mad about things, and even though they earnestly and seriously advocated the theory of women's studies, it was very difficult to tell whether anyone would listen to them or not. As time went on, people's minds gradually relaxed, and public observation and debate gradually became more precise. In particular, the Family Law is an extremely drastic change that destroys the ancient Japanese principle of family morality from its very foundations and injects a new principle, which is to be applied to the actual conduct of the family life. Despite the fact that the draft of the Civil Code was circulated earlier than its promulgation and was widely seen by the public, there has never been any objection to its provisions, and the Twelfth Congress has not yet passed a resolution to implement it from last July. At the same time, he said that the deadline for implementation of the new treaty is set for July of this year, and that in just one year's time, foreigners will be able to live together in the country and associate with the Japanese people as neighbors. It would be a great disgrace to the nation's national glory to have the existing relations between the men and women of our country displayed before their eyes, and to have the ugliness of such relations be publicized to the entire world. The longer we delay the day of correction, the longer the shame will last. I believe that the time has come for me to publish this essay, and I began writing it in August of last year, and in less than 30 days, I have completed the manuscript. The two articles, “Women's College Critique” and “New Women's College,” were based on his innate ideas and were first drafted decades ago, but he has not had a chance to make them public, and this is due to the progress of the times, the change in human minds, the promulgation of the New Civil Code, which made him feel that he had gained a powerful ally, and the urgency of the situation in Japan, where many people are living together. The urgency of the new Civil Code has made you feel that you have gained a powerful ally, and the chaotic situation in Japan has made you realize the necessity of sharing your knowledge with others, which is why I have decided to make this article public. In the fifth installment of the Women's College Review, which appeared in yesterday's paper, I discussed the new Civil Code, and I will describe a little about it here for the reader's reference.

福沢先生の女学論発表の次第. 明治三十二年九月. 1899. 時事新報記者 識

英和訳:Deepl.com (旧かなづかい文→ 英文→ 現代日本語. note筆者は小見出し・書名・暦年・人称を加筆

福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. 林望監修. 講談社学術文庫. 講談社. P124-125

青空文庫. 2006. 福澤諭吉「女大学評論・新女大学」.
  < https://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000296/files/43064_24679.html>. Accessed on June 26th , 2024.
