

娘5人の父 – 福沢諭吉が日本の未来に遺した本


福沢諭吉著「女大学評論・新女大学」.1899. 訳

“Critique/Expose of Old Women's Learnings”, and “New Women’s Learnings" by Yukichi Fukuzawa.1899. Translation Project






     1899年2月、石川幹明 (時事新報の記者)謹書(DeepL.com訳)

【English】Preface, Mikiaki Ishikawa

a reporter for Jijishinpo (first published by Yukichi Fukuzawa)

The author, Yukichi Fukuzawa, started writing 20 articles of “Critique/Expose of Old Women's Learnings”, and 23 articles of "“New Women’s Learnings" in August last year (1898), writing one, two, and three articles a day, finishing the manuscript six or seven days before his diagnosis of encephalopathy on September 26. In the meantime, it was only three days. It seems as if she was writing this book in between the busyness of dealing with visitors in the heat of the day, but she did not write it in a flash of inspiration. The pursuit of the issue of how women should live their lives is the culmination of Fukuzawa Yukichi's many years of thought, and the content derives from his innate ideas.

A Confucian scholar, Fukuzawa Yukichi's father, Hyakusuke, was a samurai of the Nakatsu clan. A common characteristic of many Confucian scholars of Chinese descent in Japan is that, although they may talk about their concern for morality and ethics, they are indifferent and irresponsible about correcting their own lives, affirming sexual relations with concubines and not caring about their own families.

Yukichi Fukuzawa was bereft of his father at the age of three and had no memory of his predecessor, nor did he know his words and deeds, but he was raised by a loving mother with one older brother and three older sisters, and as they sat and talked together, the words and deeds of his strict father naturally passed from his mother's mouth to his young ears and he unwittingly acquired noble conduct. This is what Fukuzawa Yukichi himself told me. He said, "I was never taught moral conduct by anyone, nor did I train myself in it. He believes that "my conduct is the same as when I was born, and it is due to family tradition that I have never committed a single sinful act to this day. In other words, Yukichi Fukuzawa's theory of Japanese women and women's way of life stems from his innate ideas, which he practiced in his own home and in his own life, but had not yet had the opportunity to share with the world. 21, he left his hometown, studied in Nagasaki, and attended a cram school in Ogata, Osaka. We should be aware that it was not a simple idea that he devoted himself to this issue last year, even though he was busy running a cram school, translating books, traveling abroad, and so on.

In the summer of last year (1898), not long after he finished shorthand and proofreading of his autobiography, "Fukuo (Elderly Fukuzawa’s) Autobiography," he wrote 20 articles of “Critique/Expose of Old Women's Learnings”, and 23 articles of "“New Women’s Learnings" in which he debunked the irrationality and illegality of the precepts imposed only on women in Japan since the Edo period and proposed a new way for Japanese women to be accepted in the contemporary world situation It is a book about Fukuzawa Yukichi. Some people who do not know Fukuzawa Yukichi in his everyday life may find this text strange, but every word of it is not only what he said, but what he practiced daily in his real life. This editorial was written before the author's illness, and he himself made most of the additions and corrections after his dictation.

In presenting this editorial, it is probably not necessary to reiterate Fukuzawa Yukichi's origins, but he is still resting under the direction of his doctor after his illness, and it has become difficult for him to write this article by himself. I have been a close friend of Mr. Fukuzawa Yukichi's for 20 years, and I am one who has always been at his home to know his words and deeds. On the occasion of the publication of his long-standing thoughts, I would like to introduce to you, the readers, this editorial.    Written by Mikiaki Ishikawa, February 1899
(DeepL.com translation )

【旧仮名遣い】序 石河幹明

女大学評論二十篇、新女大学二十三章は、福沢先生が昨年八月の半過より筆を執り、一日に一篇もしくは二、三篇を草し、九月二十六日脳症の大患に罹らるる六、七日前に至りて稿を終る。其間僅々三旬日に過ぎず。恰も暑中接客談話の余業にして、或は一時の思付きのま匆々筆を下したるに似たれども、抑も此問題は先生年来の宿論、否な殆んど先天の思想に発したるものにして、其由来偶然ならず。 先生の先考百助君は中津藩士にして儒流の学者なり。我国漢儒者流の常として、口には道徳倫理の説を論じながら、一身一家の始末は粗放磊落、所謂細瑾を顧みざるもの比々皆然る中に、君は気品高尚、身を持すること甚だ厳に、家風極めて正しく、真実言行一致の君子として人に畏敬せられたりと言う。先生三歳にして父に別れ、先人の音容さえも記憶せず、況して其言行の如き固より知るを得ざれども、一兄三姉と共に慈母の手に養育せられ、膝下団欒、問わず語りの中に厳父の言行はいつしか母の口よりして幼子女の耳に伝えられ、知らず識らずの間に高尚厳正なる性行を養成したることならん。先生自から語りて、余は道徳品行に就て何人の教を受けたることなく、又自から工風して修めたることなし。一身の行状は恰も生まれながらのままにして、今日に至るまで曾て自から心に疚しきの所業なきは、畢竟家風遺伝の然らしむる所ならんと言えり。即ち日本の女教女道に関する先生の説は、此先天の思想より発して、独り自から居家処世の実際に行いながら、未だ世に発表するの機会を得ざりしものなり。 先生二十一歳の時、郷里を辞して長崎に留学し、次で大阪緒方の塾に学びし其間は、専ら苦学勉強の最中にして固より他事に及ぶの暇なし。二十五歳江戸に出でて始めて家を成したれども、私塾の経営に著書翻訳に或は海外の旅行等に心身多忙、寸暇を得ざる其中に、時々貝原の女大学を繙き、他日の記憶の為めに簡単なる評語を書入るるを常とし、随て失えば随て購い、自から筆を加えたるもの二、三冊もある可しと言う。先生が此問題に心を籠めたること一朝一夕に非ざるを知る可し。昨年の夏福翁自伝の速記成りて自から校正を終りたる後、少しく閑を得て女大学の概評を速記せしめたるに、口授にては意に満たざる所ありとて、更に自から筆を執て起草したるもの、即ち女大学評論二十篇にして、古来我国に行われたる女教の非理不法なるを論破し、別に今日の社会に処す可き新日本の女道を開示したるもの、即ち新女大学二十三章是れなり。或は先生の平生を知らざるものは此文を読んで新奇の感を為すこともあらんなれども、其一言一句先生に於ては啻に口に論ずるのみならず、日常、身に行いたる所にして、即ち平素の言行を筆に写したるまでのことなれば、恰も一部の行実とも見る可きものなり。本論は先生の病前に成りたるも、頃日に至り人をして原稿を読ましめ、自から字句の誤脱を指示して正さしめたる処少なからず。 今回これを公にするに当り一言その由来を記す所なかる可からずと雖も、病後の執筆は尚お医師の警しむる所なるを以て、先生自から手を労するを得ず。余は殆んど二十年来先生に親炙し、常に其家庭に出入して先生の言行を熟知するの一人なり。即ち親しく見聞する所を記して此著の偶然ならざるを読者に紹介すと言う。 
    明治三十二年二月 石河幹明 謹記


福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. 林望監修. 講談社学術文庫. 講談社. Tokyo. P15
慶應義塾史事典編集委員会編集. 2008. 「慶應義塾史事典 慶應義塾150年史資料集別巻1 - The Keiko Encyclopedia: A Historical Dictionary of Keio University and its AffiliatedSchools」. 慶應義塾大学出版会株式会社. Tokyo. P609

福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. 慶應義塾大学メディアセンター Keio University Libraries. <https://dcollections.lib.keio.ac.jp/sites/all/libraries/uv/uv.php?archive=FKZ&id=F7-A53#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=10&r=0&z=-24.8506%2C0%2C3645.7011%2C2952>. Accessed on June 29th, 2024.

福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」.
< https://books.google.co.jp/books/about/女大學評論.html?id=ehhKAAAAIAAJ&redir_esc=y >. Accessed on June 29th, 2024.

青空文庫. 2006. 福澤諭吉「女大学評論・新女大学」.
< https://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000296/files/43064_24679.html>. Accessed on June 26th , 2024. 親本:「福澤諭吉全集 第六巻」. 1959. 岩波書店、初出:「時事新報」1899から連載. 時事新報社

Artificial Intelligent (AI) translation function, Deepl.com., is used to translate. The order of translation is “original (old Japanese)→English→ modern/standard Japanese (introduced subsequent to the WW II). Edited by the “note” writer.
