
"Narrisists" themselves are just perfect illusion.

We often say, "To get something, you have to give something."

But, Narrisists, they only give to get and "THAT is NOT a real giving."

It is a manipulation tactic, and that you believe in their gifts shows how it works. It is part of the bonding they use, and which leads into the traumabonding their victims experiences.

Cause one of the greatest wounds in this relationships results from the "cognitive dissonance" in his victims: he was so good to me, gave me gifts, attention in the beginning.
What made him change? He acts like monster.
Is there any possibility i can change him?
"It was all lies."
"He" was a perfect illusion.
They just need target to feed their own stupid fragile ego.
Your whole body is sore.
Cause they makes you a lot of labor and that's not act of love.
If you can't cut them off for personal reasons, understandable.
Just Run, Girl as much as you can.
No matter what Nar says to you.
You don't need to hear.
That's all bullshit lies.
You don't need permission to ask what you wear, buy, eat.
You can get power, inner strength back to decide decisions of yourself.
Don't hard on yourself.
Self awareness and self care are really important.
I used to think "Yea, ik.ik."I was sick of hearing the same stuff…I didn't understand back in the day.

But now I really *uckin know why those are matters.
Many victims in Narrisistic abusive relationship with dominant, controlling men, we also grew up in a abusive household, family.
This is pretty common and I'm one of them.
We need to stop this bad cycle.

*tactic 術、わざ
*manipulation 洗脳
*bombing 心の触れあい。

*trouma bonding トラウマボンド


* cognitive dissonance 認知的不協和
認知的不協和(cognitive dissonance)とは、社会心理学における概念の一つで、矛盾する認知を同時に抱えた状態、又、その際に覚える不快感やストレスのことを指す。
