
Your Quality Of Life Depends On Your Habits

'S A Bunch Here Of Habits You Can Implement That Will Not Disrupt The Flow Of Your Life:
Write Down 3 Things You'Re Grateful For In The Morning Right When You Wake Up Do This Relentlessly It Can Be The Smallest Of Things like… being grateful for the warm clothes you're wearing, having a roof over your head, or having some decent tennis shoes. This helps us to start the day off with a positive mindset, and actually influences how we go throughout the rest of Day Our.
Exercise For 1 Minute Immediately Out Of Your Bed. If You Do Not Like That Morning Fog, Try This Out.
Invest more in experiences than objects. Just keep this in the back of your mind. You don't need the newest iPhone or a new stylish jacket. Save your money for the things that matter in life — experiences
Set different spaces for different tasks --For instance, only do work when you are at your desk, and not while you're on your bed. This will prime your brain to prepare itself for a certain task you want to carry out. This will do wonders for your productivity And Overall Mood.
Clean Your House. A Cluttered House Causes A Cluttered Mind. Organize Every Space In Your House So You Can Create Space To Move, And To Think As Well. Set Some Time Aside For This One And Schedule It In Your Day calendar. How you do anything is how you do everything
Stand up every hour --This is essential here. Humans are not designed to sit for hours on end, working, entertaining ourselves, or whatnot. Standing up and moving around for 20 seconds will improve your energy levels. When you do what's good for your Body, You Will Be Rewarded.
Ask Why, When, Who, To What Extent, And How More Often Than "Yes Or No" Questions To Yourself And To Others. There'S No Reason Why You Should Not Do This, But Most Of us do it too little. Change that
Get rid of your notifications. Only leave them on for the most essential things possible. Schedule your time throughout your day to certain times you can browse technology or check emails. Don't get trapped in social media and then wonder where hours of your day Have Gone. It Takes About 25 Minutes To Regain Your Focus. Remember That.
Prepare The Items (Like Clothes) You Need The Next Morning The Night Before. BOOM! That'S Probably The Easiest One Here. It Saves * That Much More Willpower * When you have to wake up the next morning to think about what you're going to wear. Try to make your life as automatic and effortless as possible
Drink 1 gallon of water a day… or like 3/4ths of a gallon --Hydration is overlooked nowadays since everyone drinks soda and energy drinks, and they taste so good don't they? Stop. They are 1. Destroying your body and 2 Dehydrating you. This is why you don't have any long lasting, sustainable energy, since your body is 70% water. Your cells require water to sustain themselves and need to function properly throughout the day. Carry around a small water bottle and fill it up 3 times a day, or fill up a milk jug and drink from that for the rest of your day. This one is hard to get used to, but you definitely owe it to your body and your mind, don't you ?
“If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed” --Admiral William McRaven. Do this immediately after you wake up. And of course, you don't have to square away your bed with hospital corners at a 45 degree It shouldn't take more than 2 minutes. Making your bed is like a “win” to start off your day. It's a small accomplishment, but never the less, it's an accomplishment --after all, most people don't do it. Don't be like most people
Fix your posture --This one can have all sorts of health repercussions in the long run if not taken care of, for obvious reasons. Do it right now. And you're welcome. Something you can do to help you with this is to change Phone Background To Your "Stand Up Straight" Or Maybe Talk To Your Grandma Every Once In A While Since She Always Likes To Remind You ... And Maybe You Can Go To Her House For Some Cookies While You'Re At It.
Do Not drop these habits. You can't see the benefits now, but you will in the very near future.

Master your TIME, master your life!
One of the biggest lessons I've learned in entrepreneurship is that being your own boss is actually the biggest problem people face. Allow me to explain. If you work a job:
1. Your boss gives you Exact Schedule An, Exact Tasks To Be Done In That Timeframe, And Exactly How They Are To Be Executed.
2. Your Boss Does Not Accept "I'M Tired And Unmotivated Today, So I Will Not Do It" As An Excuse .
3. If You Do Not Execute, Your Boss Requires An Explanation And A Plan From You On Exactly How You Will Get It Done Next Time.
So ... When We Are Our Own Bosses, Why Do We Suddenly Become BOTH Bad Employees and bad bosses ??? Just chew on that, and to all my entrepreneur friends out there, we can all do better! Let's go!
