
seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #42 nonmart messenger

#42 nonmart messenger

Tens of thousands of years ago,
inhabitants called nonmart lived a peaceful life on the EARTH.
The name comes from 'non-mars' meaning 'no-war'

One day aliens called 'humans' appeared from nowhere,
and began to INVADE nonmarts' EARTH.
Therefore, they had to escape into the sea.
The land, three tenth of the EARTH's surface, had been INVADEd by humans.
Nonmarts were known to just a few frontier humans,
and, no documents about them, of course, were left.

In Nebula M78, in which SEVEN was born, 
humans are called 'nonmarts' even now,
because they are true natives of the EARTH.

As humans' technology advances the marine development,
nonmarts under the sea are being forced into the inside of planet,
where they discover the stream of magma,
They have completed a new weapon, using magma.
It means 'nonmarts' have turned into 'marts',
who start to target at humans.

These days, some facilities and ships for the development.
were damaged by MISTERIOUS fires or explosions.
The Youth members are investigating the cases.

MOROBOSHI has few friends in T University, intentionally,
but one, whose name is TSUBURAYA, from Okinawa.
MOROBOSHI belongs to the mountaineering club,
and TSUBURAYA is president of the marine sports club.
MOROBOSHI once asked him to join the Youth members, but he said no.
He is also a member of NGO protecting the sea around Okinawa.

After a long summer vacation, they meet and drink.
TSUBURAYA, who has returned to TOKIO, 
just speak ill of humans the EARTH as if he were an alien.

do you think it's good for humans to be as they are?
If so, nonmarts would become extinct."

"Do you mean
humans' technorogy might destroy their own planet?"

"No.  humans would completely INVADE nonmarts' planet, I mean."

"Why?  Humans equal nonmarts, and nonmarts are humans, aren't they?"

"It's wrong.  The EARTH originally belonged to nonmarts.
Some humans came from the plamet GALLONS,
multiplied themselves, and INVADEd the nonmarts' planet."

"WHAT?  Nonmarts aren't equal to humans, do you mean?"
(Certainly, I've never heard the word 'nonmart' since I came here.)

"TSUBURAYA, why do you know that?"

"It doesn't matter. 
MOROBOSHI, the Youth members are examining a series of marine accidents.
Would you mind making them stop the examnation? "

"Why do you tell me such a thing?  It isn't just like you."

"If they don't stop, something serious will happen, I just tell you, SEVEN."     

After leaving the words, he hurried out.

"Uh-la-la, I have to pay for him."

Meanwhile, the marts' attack approached TOKIO Bay area.

A great number of fire arrows, which had been specially procassed,
were launched from the surface of sea one after another.
They were destroying the industrial complexes along the bay.
Marts had occupied 'Umi-hotaru,' utilizing it as a attack basement. 

Umi-hotaru base

began to attack 'Umi-hotaru' basement,
The base had already been renovated secretly by marts,
and started sinking into the undersea slowly,
so that it was able to avoid the attack.
And two HAWKs, transformed into the hydro mode,
dived into the black water in order to follow it

Having arrived at the pier driving Beetle,
MOROBOSHI tries to put on red glasses,
when there appears a young man.

"TSUBURAYA, why are you here?"

"MOROBOSHI, don't stand in theie way, please."

"I will ask Professor KIRIYA to stop the attack,
and you will be able to stop this meaningless battle.

"Too late, MOROBOSHI."

TSUBURAYA falls into the sea backwards.


Suddenly from where he dived,
long and large tentacles get out,
and begins to destroy the harbor area.

"Stop it, I don't wanna fight with you."

His voice does not reach TSUBURAYA any more,
who has changed himself into GUYLOS, a huge squid monster.
Both tentacles and the alkahest from its beak
attack MOROBOSHI without mercy.

The moment, the knife of light cuts off its long arms
and the beam hits its body, which means
GUYLOS has disappeared into the sea calmly. 

(I'm sorry, TSUBURAYA.  Forgive me.)

At the same time GUYLOS is gone, marts' attack has stopped.
Umi-hotaru exists as it is, as if nothing had happened.

MOROBOSHI told KIRIYA about nonmarts and TSUBURAYA.

"Understood.  I'm so interested in the aborigines of EARTH.
I'm against the marine development, as you know,
so I would suggest if I've got an opportunity.
I'd like to believe what TSUBURAYA told you,
but it might be possible that he was controlled by aliens.
Of course, I can also understand your mind,
so we cannot behave ourselves too carefully."  
 (In order to explain about 'nonmarts,'
I have to reveal my identity.  It's hard to explain.)

And MOROBOSHI gets a call from unknown numbers.

"Are you Mr. MOROBOSHI?" 

"Yes, I am."

"Sorry for giving my sudden call.  I'm a mother of Shin-nosuke."

"TSUBURAYA's mother?"

"Yes.  To tell you the truth, one week ago,
Shin-nosuke was missing in the sea accident."


"He often told about you, Mr. MOROBOSHI,
so I thought I should tell you about him."

(I see.  He might have gone to an other world.
Well, what was TSUBURAYA in front of me?)

KIRIYA suggested that they stop the sea development,
referring to nonmarts MOROBOSHI told him about.
However, nobody concerned listened to him as expected.

Late at night, some level of earthquakes happened
simultaneously here and there all over the planet,
and a lot of coasts got some level of tsunami damage,
which obliged humans to delay the sea development.

"Ultimately, it's good for what you call nonmarts.
They might have caused the disaster." KIRIYA

"The number of victims was not so large as expected,
while the development facilities were so seriously damaged." MOROBOSHI

"MOROBOSHI, this is between you and me, OK?"

After a while, MOROBOSHI visits
TSUBURAYA's house, Okinawa, and sees his mother.

"As usual, he went diving into the sea, never to return.
But his oxygen tank and goggle were just washed up."

MOROBOSHI does not tell her that he drank with TSUBURAYA in TOKIO.

"He is sure to live undersea even now,
because he is loved by the sea as much as he does."

(TSUBURAYA would like nonmarts and humans to get along with each other.
Nonmarts turned into marts
because humans had tried to take the EARTH all to themselves.
It couldn't be helped for nonmarts to attack humans.
It was TSUBURAYA that caused the great earthquake,
which must also have done the same level of damage to nonmarts.)

The battle for the EARTH could possibly break out in the future,
because even the same humans have repeated the same battles.

(I'd like to see you, TSUBURAYA.)

The beautiful blue sea in Okinawa is finishing a day again.

Okinawa beach

#42 the end     





