
seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #44 super monkey

Salvia maru

The Salvia-maru, the first cargo-passenger ship, 
from TOKIO to Oo-shima, Kozu-shima, and to Hachijo-jima.
Some IZU islanders call her 'SARU,' which means 'a monkey.'

The Youth members embark on 'SARU' for Miyake-jima,
in order to investigate the island which has some volcaneos.

She leaves Takeshiba around 22:00,
and a lot of passenger wait in line to go on board.
Among them, an elder man has two monkeys,
with one in his hand and the other on his shoulder.

"The monkeys are so cute, aren't they?" YURI

"Rare monkeys.  They are what?" FURUDA

"Green monkeys.  Why are they here?" KIRIYA

"Green monkeys?  Said to have caused AIDIS?" SOMA

”Why the monkey leaves on bord 'SARU'?"  AMABE 

The monkeys are staring at the Youth members.

(Strange.  What's the elder with monkeys?) MOROBOSHI

green monkey

Tonight, the ship is full of about 800 passengers.
The members sleep together on the floor in second class cabin.
MOROBOSHI is looking over the black sea on deck.
Although the ship is far away off the coast,
he can see the light of main land shimmering.

"What are you doing, NOROBOSHI kun?
Are you trying to pick up a girl?"

"You're doing what, YURI san?  Are you picking up a boy?"

"Not at all.  But I could be picked up by MOROBOSHI kun."

"So could I be picked up by you, YURI san."

They lean on the handrail and stare over the sea.
She snuggles to his arm as quietly as possible,
while he unconsciously moves himself to her a little.

When time goes around 1:00,
they hear somebody cry.
They rush toward the voice. 

They find a man stambling on the corridor,
bleeding from all over his body.
Some seamen and passengers are approaching him
in order to talk to him worried.

"Get away from him soon! 
He might have some infectious disease,"
YURI shouts aloud suddenly.

Falling down to the floor, the man would not move at all.

"MOROBOSHI kun, serious matter.   Probably, Ebora!"

"Ebola fever!  No joke!"

"Tell captain to come, please, soon!"
We have to isolate him and those who touched him."

Ebola fever first broke out in Sudan, Africa,
when the fatality rate was very high, 50-89 %.

Once in a while, the military was sent out
not because they would take care of the patients,
but so that they would keep them from going out of the area,

The president had once ordered the soldiers 
to shoot if the carriers tried to go out without permission.

Such a Ebola virus has broken out on the small ship.

"We must avoid making passengers panic." Captain

There is no place left for them to escape.

The Youth members take a lead in supporting passengers
with YURI as the central figure.
On the ship, however, they could not care enough.

First of all, the first patient is isolated
in as far a room from passengers as possible. 

Those who directly touched him, his blood, and his vomit
are also insulated in the next room.

Fortunately, it is late at night,
so there is almost no trouble now.

Captain keeps in contact with the main land. 
They would like to return there,
but the Salvia-maru cannot call at any port,
only to be anchoring away from TOKIO BAY.
The Self-Defense Forces has already been deployed.

Then, another cry can be heard from the second-class cabin.
Some people has vomited blood there, 
so Ebola virus has cetainly widespread over the ship.


"Monkey…" one woman victim whispers.

(Must be those monkeys…)

MOROBOSHI runs about, searching for them,
and finds one sitting on the bow.

(DON'T DISTURB.)  A telepathy to him.

At the moment suddenly, another monkey shows up,
spitting at MOROBOSHI, and its saliva gets in his eye.


There are eleven monkeys around the old man.

(If there is a host among them, it could give us serum.)

However, he clearly finds every monkey infected with the virus.
The old man, alien GORON and monkey master
orders them to attack MOROBOSHI with red glasses.

He can no longer stand, teleporting onto the roof of cabin.
His superhuman cells can be restored fast,
but his disease can also progress fast.

MOROBOSHI has been attacked by fever and vomitus,
and one teleportation has taken a lot of energy from him.


The monkeys are approaching him, 
moving across the windows or onto the handrails,
when his knife of light penetrates some monkeys.

(Don't you have an antibody?)

His BEAM beats the others.


As his last resort, he leaps down onto the deck.
His flash hits the alien's face,
and its original face behind the mask is an ape-man.

(It is not infected, probably because it has an antibody.)

But MOROBOSHI cannot move well, because of dizziness.

"MOROBOSHI kun, are you OK?"

(Oh my goddess!)

"YURI san, please listen to me.
This body might well have an antibody.
Centrifugation of its blood would make the serum.
We couldn't but put last shred of hope in it
to save everyone's life."

"I understand, but we cannot get a centrifugal separator.
I'm sorry it's too late when we call at the port."

"You are right.  So bring all the injectors in the doctor's office, soon!"

His impact makes her do as he tells her to.

"Thank you, YURI san. 
And two more requests.
First, leave me alone as I am.
Second, don't ask me anything."

"Sure, I promise."

YURI leaves MOROBOSHI alone.

"I'll finish before the sun rises."

Taking its blood into the injectors,
and jumping high up to the air,
he starts spinning himself at as high a speed
as nobody could catch sight of him.

He turns himself into a separator.
The clear fluid becomes the serum.

On handing in the serum to YURI, he loses consciousness.

YURI does not hesitate to inject the serum into the patients.
A little serum, but enough to save the serious ones.

This is how the EBOLA trouble has come to the end.

Noisy as those on the ship and the main land are,
they has begun to be settled down by KIRIYA's explanation.

"You are a great doctor.  You saved all their lives." KIRIYA

"Biohazzard may be more terrible than aliens's attack." AMABE

"But amazing that you made the serum
just with the limited equipments of the doctor's room." FURUDA

"It's your extraordinary strength during a fire." SOMA

YURI cannot say any answer.

"MOROBOSHI kun, wake up early.
A lot of things to ask you.
I don't know what happened."

MOROBOSHI is sleeping as if he were dead.

"But I won't ask you, 'cause I promised."

The hospital where they were transported
is St. Lukes International Hospital, Tsukiji.

Looking out of the window,
the sun is about to rise.


#44 the end




