





Can't help but think about the personality of the coronavirus.
The coronavirus ”COVID-19” is raging around the world. I keep wondering why it's spreading so much all of a sudden. I think that it's having a high affinity and adjusting to environment for human in a sense.
However humans think it so terrified, and some people say "Fight against the virus! "

I can't help but feel sadness that gap.
Of course, they've taken many lives, homes, jobs, and destroy the social fabric, but they also touch young and old, rich and poor, men and women...and even a few animals. They're high affinity. I feel that they're appealing to me "Know me!! "~:-( , and "Why don't you understand?"&-( .

This virus faces almost life on Earth without distinction. It maybe that the earth itself have the flu?
The 14th century was the plague, the 20th century (1918-20) was the Spanish flu, and it wasn't even 100 years before we had the next flu. ...Isn't the Earth's resistance itself weakened? It's not like I'm not going to be able to do that.
"I've been working hard from morning till night, and nowadays I didn't have time to rest. I was feeling a little under the weather. I've been trying to do my best...but I reached my limit."

The coronaviruses thinks "I wanna you to know about me better!" aggressively, and the earth that is tired of working too hard.
I think that's a common construct in relationships, but I feel like the only way to solve it in those situations is to talk about it instead of running away. But I can't imagine how to "talking" by medical means.
Incidentally, the one who comes aggressively is usually the one who is energetic.

This text was mostly translated by DeepL.
