
📚オススメの本:「5秒ルール」メル・ロビンズ氏 / Book Recommendations: “The Five Second Rule” by Mel Robbins

(English translation follows Japanese)

🎤メル・ロビンスは、アメリカの弁護士、テレビ司会者、作家、モチベーショナル・スピーカーです。彼女のTed トーク,「『F』で始まるあの言葉― 自分をだますのを止める方法 」は3000万回以上再生されています。



⚡️「5 秒ルール」とは、目標やゴールに対して、「行動しよう」とする直感や衝動を感じた時、その直感が消えてしまう前に、5秒以内に物理的に行動を起こさなければならない、というルールです。


(English translation)

🎤Mel Robbins is an American lawyer, television host, author, and motivational speaker. Her Ted Talk titled “How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over", has been viewed over 30 million times.

📖 Some key takeaways from the book:

• 🧠 Our brains are wired to resist change and cling on to familiar habits.

• ⚡️The 5 Second Rule works like this : If you have an impulse or instinct to act on a goal or a commitment, you must physically take action within 5 seconds before it fades away.

To learn more about the inspiration we gained from this book and about the “5 second rule”, click the website article link below! : https://www.voicesofselfmade.com/post/book-recommendation-the-five-second-rule-by-mel-robbins



