

*Please scroll down for the English version.


  • 施設管理:掃除やベッドメイキング、利用者対応など

  • 外仕事:草刈りや薪割りなど

  • 情報発信:SNS投稿やnoteの記事作成

  • 村内体験ツアー参加&レポート作成

  • イベント企画運営

  • その他、自身の創造性を発揮してVillageの発展に貢献できる仕事



  • 20歳〜35歳、国籍不問

  • ご自身のスキルや経験をVillageに活かせる方

  • 定員:2名まで(満床時はテント泊になります)

  • 期間:1週間〜1ヶ月間程度


  1. for FREE:週5日、9時〜18時のうち、6時間を仕事に充てる

  2. 宿泊 50% OFF(¥2,750/日):週5日、9時〜18時のうち、3時間を仕事に充てる



  • 宿泊滞在:2段ベッド、お風呂、シャワー、キッチン、ランドリー等、館内設備や備品をお使いいただけます

  • 電動自転車を貸し出し可能

  • 地域情報の提供など、有意義な滞在になるようサポートします


  • 田舎暮らしや地域おこし、仕事づくりに興味のある人

  • 自然やアウトドア活動が好きな人

  • 人と接することが好きな人

  • 自分の頭で考え行動できるクリエイティブな人

  • これからの働き方や生き方について考える時間が欲しい人

  • きれい好きな人


こちらの申込フォームからお申し込みください。 → Google form

蜂の巣退治の準備|Wasp Extermination


The Village provides accommodation and a workspace in return for your physical work, creativity and skills. Please use your free time to explore and take part in activities.

Main tasks

  • Facility management: cleaning, making beds, dealing with users, etc.

  • Outside work: mowing grass, chopping firewood, etc.

  • Information dissemination: posting on SNS and writing articles

  • Participation in village experience tours and report writing

  • Event planning and management

  • Other work that allows you to contribute to the development of the Village through your own creativity.

Plan for your stay

(1) For Free: 5 days a week, 6 hours a day from 9am to 6pm.
(2) Accommodation 50% OFF (¥2,750/day): 5 days a week, 3 hours of work between 9am and 6pm.
*You are required to submit a daily report after work is completed each day. The work to be done each day is not set in stone and will be decided through discussion.

We provide;

  • Accommodation: bunk beds, baths, showers, kitchens and other facilities and equipment in the building are available for you to use.

  • Electric bicycles can be rented (please provide your own bicycle insurance. (Bicycle insurance can be bought at convenience stores).

People suitable for this project

  • People interested in rural life, community development and town planning

  • People who like nature and outdoor activities

  • People who like to interact with people

  • Creative people who can think and act on their own.

  • People who want time to think about how they will work and live in the future.


Please apply in this application formGoogle form
*If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
*We will conduct an online interview and make the hiring decision.
