日本の美意識 ~小泉八雲『日本の心』より~

"Everything in a Japanese drawing is impersonal and suggestive."

"Observe that while the work is simplicity itself, “produced by single touches of the brush,” it is, nevertheless, in the opinion of one of the greatest living naturalists, “ most scientific.” And why ? Because it shows the type character and the law of the type. So again, in portraying locks and cliffs, hills and plains, the Japanese artist gives us the general character, not the wearisome detail of masses ; and yet the detail is admirably suggested by this perfect study of the larger law."

"A common Japanese drawing leaves much to the imagination, — nay, irresistibly stimulates it,—and never betrays effort."

「日本美術に描かれた顔について」 About Faces in Japanese Art
『日本の心』(著者:小泉八雲、1990年、講談社) より引用
※英文は『The Atlantic』「About Faces in Japanese Art」(1986年)より引用
