




お題 Agree or disagree:The development of AI can have good effects on our society.


The rapid emergence of AI has greatly contributed to the radical transformation of how we live and think in modern days. While it is undeniable fact that AI tools are one of the contributing factors in improving business efficiency, I refute this notion that they have the potential to have favorable influences on our society.
One notable drawback of the use of AI tools in modern days is that they deprive us of ample chances to cultivate our ability to reflect our genuine thoughts and beliefs on essay writing. ChatGpt is a case in point. The fact that it can create book reviews, lyrics and reports instantly may encourage some students to plagiarize in writing academic essays. Furthermore, given the situation in which many teachers have difficulty in distinguishing whether the sentences have been produced by ChatGpt or not, this trend surely prompts the treacherous use of this new AI technology by many students unless education ministry devises appropriate guidelines.

Another cogent reason to support my opinion is that AI tools exert significant consequences on economy in the long run.
As AI technology keeps on improving, there is every likelihood that many jobs could be replaced by automated machines. As a result, countless people would be left without work and the means to support themselves and their families financially, thus compromising their sustainable lives.
It can also be said that the development of AI could exacerbate exiting inequities, as those with the capabilities to work with AI technology would be sought-after in job market, while others would be left behind.

Additionally, serious ramification the development of AI has on society is the potential for misuse. As the 21st century has already witnessed the arrival of social media and other digital technologies, AI could be exploited to manipulate and control people. Such malicious cases can always be seen in the form of targeted advertising, political propaganda, or even social engineering. This situation prevents us from voicing our opinions or concerns over ongoing social issues, the multiplication of which probably constitutes flagrant violations of human rights.

In conclusion, in views of these three reasons mentioned above, I disagree with the statement that AI technologies are of substantial benefits to our society. Although AI tools can be a driving force in revolutionising society in positive ways, improper use of AI can upend our daily lives in a negative manner.
