
IELTS/英検1級ライティング ART

Agree or disagree:Art does not make a significant contribution to society.

In recent days, it is certainly the case that art becomes an integral part of our society as it teaches us the importance of history and culture. Given this, I firmly believe that art greatly contributes to our societal betterment for the following three reasons.

First and foremost, art equips us with abilities to delve into historical facts we have not learned in the classroom. Numerous pictures painted by well-known artists, for instance, can provide invaluable insight into what was happening in the past as they convey historical backgrounds behind watershed events such as regional conflicts and international wars. As a positive consequence, we are capable of digesting hitherto unknown historical facts in detail through artistic works.

Additionally, art plays a crucial role in improving economic situations. Various types of events featuring famous artists attract diverse array of tourists, which potentially contributes to regional revitalisation. For example, Fukuoka prefecture belonging to southern part of Japan dedicates itself to creating art museums in rural areas with the aim of revitalising its remote regions. With this initiative, an increasing number of foreign tourists have visited Fukuoka in recent days, which has consequently augmented its overall revenues.

Another reason to support my opinion is that it is possible for us to cultivate our sense of diversity owing to art entertainments like music. In today's society, traditional music played by indigenous people has gradually become a thing of the past due to the rapid emergence of brand-new styles of modern counterpart. To solve this serious problem, nations and national institutions the world over have relentlessly conducted initiatives to preserve conventional music. This endeavour, in turn, enables us to gain deeper understanding of diverse traditions and cultures, thus stimulating our desire for cherishing long-standing cultures.

In conclusion, these three reasons I mentioned above in this essay make it clear that significant contributions made to our society by art cannot be overstated.

所要時間 21分。
