
Good morning


Good morning! I am writing this while sitting on a bench by the canal near Paddington with a cup of coffee.


In the basin, there is an isolated bank for wild birds. I can identify six species at least from here.


London is lined with waterways that are like mesh. Many people enjoy running, walking with dogs, or just sitting and watching birds like me on such a beautiful day.


My dear Swan family is out of their home base. Perhaps they are out on patrol in another body of water. The picture above is one from last week.


Instead, I enjoyed sunbathing with mallards.

最近「メッセージ(原題: Arrival)」という映画を見ました。あまり一般受けしなさそうなのですが、わたしにはとても良かったです。なにが好きだったのかな…なんてことをぼんやりと考えて、時間の概念だ。と、つきとめました。含意がある原題、安易に改題しないほうがよかったのでは。なんて思ったとこで、さて、そろそろ家に戻ります。皆さん良い一日を。

Here, in my head goes like;

Why did I like the Netflix movie "Arrival"? Ah, I liked its notion of time. Too bad the title is changed to "メッセージ(Message)" in the Japanese version. It lost the implication of the key message…!

Well, well, it's time to go back. Have a lovely day, my friends.
